a fortified, usually walled residence, as of a prince or noble in feudal times.
the chief and strongest part of the fortifications of a medieval city.
a strongly fortified, permanently garrisoned stronghold.
a large and stately residence, especially one, with high walls and towers, that imitates the form of a medieval castle.
any place providing security and privacy: It may be small, but my home is my castle.
Chess. the rook.
verb (used with object),cas·tled,cas·tling.
to place or enclose in or as in a castle.
Chess. to move (the king) in castling.
verb (used without object),cas·tled,cas·tling.Chess.
to move the king two squares horizontally and bring the appropriate rook to the square the king has passed over.
(of the king) to be moved in this manner.
Origin of castle
before 1000; Middle English, Old English castel<Latin castellumcastellum
1 fortress, citadel.
4 palace, château.
Words nearby castle
casting wheel, cast in one's lot, cast in stone, cast in the same mold, cast iron, castle, Castlebar, castled, Castleford, Castle Howard, castle in the air
Definition for castle (2 of 2)
[ kas-uhl, kah-suhl ]
/ ˈkæs əl, ˈkɑ səl /
Irene (Foote), 1893–1969, born in the U.S., and her husband and partner Vernon (Vernon Castle Blythe), 1887–1918, born in England, U.S. ballroom dancers.
The top strategies clustered soldiers into a small number of castles worth exactly 28 points.
Can You Reach The Summit First?|Zach Wissner-Gross|September 11, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Whoever sent more soldiers to a given castle conquered that castle and won its victory points.
Can You Reach The Summit First?|Zach Wissner-Gross|September 11, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Photographer Jose Villa regularly flies around the world to shoot couples’ wedding celebrations, whether it’s a castle in Tuscany, a ballroom in Malaysia, or a private estate in Napa Valley.
Couples spend thousands on a wedding photographer for that perfect shot|Rachel King|September 6, 2020|Fortune
Specifically, the castles are worth 1, 2, 3, …, 12, and 13 victory points.
The Fifth Battle For Riddler Nation|Zach Wissner-Gross|September 4, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Each castle has its own strategic value for a would-be conqueror.
The Fifth Battle For Riddler Nation|Zach Wissner-Gross|September 4, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
I meet Otis J. the night he arrives at “The Castle,” a West Harlem halfway house for newly-released convicts.
His First Day Out Of Jail After 40 Years: Adjusting To Life Outside|Justin Rohrlich|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Crain posted a cash bond of $102.50 apiece shortly before 1:30 P.M., and they returned to the Castle Hotel.
How Martin Luther King Jr. Influenced Sam Cooke’s ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’|Peter Guralnick|December 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Denton, who speaks in the clipped cadence of the Oxford-educated Brit he is, has built quite a castle.
The Gospel According to Nick Denton—What Next For The Gawker Founder?|Lloyd Grove|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Well, the dwarfs took pity on him and gave him the coffin, and the prince had it carried to his castle.
In New Brothers Grimm 'Snow White', The Prince Doesn't Save Her|The Brothers Grimm|November 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Holding the architectural smorgasbord of a castle together was cement, wire, and mortar.
The Postman Who Built a Palace in France…by Hand|Nina Strochlic|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It's a very old song now, and bring us as fast as you can to the castle and the marriage.
Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 366, April, 1846|Various
I knew there was something concerning the Castle of Peronne which dwelt on my mind, though I could not recall the circumstance.
Quentin Durward|Sir Walter Scott
He first appears in Castle Dangerous as "Knight of the tomb."
Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1|The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.
The Queen had the ordering of all things in the castle and of most in the realm.
The Fifth Queen Crowned|Ford Madox Ford
Once on the horse, it would have been no jest, and I'll warrant you would soon have left the castle far behind.
Under the Rose|Frederic Stewart Isham
British Dictionary definitions for castle
/ (ˈkɑːsəl) /
a fortified building or set of buildings, usually permanently garrisoned, as in medieval Europe
any fortified place or structure
a large magnificent house, esp when the present or former home of a nobleman or prince
the citadel and strongest part of the fortifications of a medieval town
chess another name for rook 2
chessto move (the king) two squares laterally on the first rank and place the nearest rook on the square passed over by the king, either towards the king's side (castling short) or the queen's side (castling long)
Word Origin for castle
C11: from Latin castellum, diminutive of castrum fort