capable of returning to its original length, shape, etc., after being stretched, deformed, compressed, or expanded: an elastic waistband; elastic fiber.
spontaneously expansive, as gases.
flexible; accommodating; adaptable; tolerant: elastic rules and regulations.
springing back or rebounding; springy: He walks with an elastic step.
readily recovering from depression or exhaustion; buoyant: an elastic temperament.
Economics. relatively responsive to change, as to a proportionate increase in demand as the result of a decrease in price.Compare inelastic (def. 2).
Physics. of, relating to, or noting a body having the property of elasticity.
webbing, or material in the form of a band, made elastic, as with strips of rubber.
something made from this material, as a garter.
rubber band.
Origin of elastic
1645–55; <New Latin elasticus expanding spontaneously, equivalent to Greek elast(ós) (late variant of elatós ductile, beaten (of metal), derivative of elaúnein, elân beat out, forge) + -icus-ic
Among the rise of green hills dotted with cows, at the farm and creamery of Louis Bononci, James had his first taste of Teleme, a washed-rind cheese with a subtly elastic texture and milky tang.
To Find Hope in American Cooking, James Beard Looked to the West Coast|John Birdsall|October 2, 2020|Eater
The tools and threads are all held in place with elastic straps, so the supplies stay organized even if bounced around in a bag.
Sewing kits perfect for home, travel, and gift-giving|PopSci Commerce Team|October 1, 2020|Popular Science
The remolded electronic structure won’t stay in place of its own accord, just as a piece of elastic won’t stay stretched if you don’t keep pulling.
Alchemy Arrives in a Burst of Light|Philip Ball|September 30, 2020|Quanta Magazine
It’s comfortable and it’s got a nice elastic spring that adheres nicely to movement.
You can now return Apple’s Solo Loop for a new size, without sending back the Watch|Brian Heater|September 24, 2020|TechCrunch
The lid has an elastic opening that allows for quick access while hiding the garbage inside.
Car trash cans to keep your auto spotless|PopSci Commerce Team|September 23, 2020|Popular Science
The second was that the demand for seduction schooling was elastic.
The Secret World of Pickup Artist Julien Blanc|Brandy Zadrozny|December 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But I think powerful, long friendships often are elastic enough to incorporate envy into them, and not destroy the friendship.
Endless Summer: Meg Wolitzer Talks About “The Interestings”|Jane Ciabattari|April 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Elastic bracelets—with brads to place just so in an acupressure spot on the inner wrist purported to reduce nausea—are popular.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum: What’s Ailing Kate Middleton|Kent Sepkowitz|December 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Mix together then knead to make a soft, smooth, elastic dough.
Unusual Pizza to Cook on Your Grill|Lydia Brownlow|June 15, 2012|DAILY BEAST
“Try to be elastic enough so you can help the people around you who are in crisis,” Miller says.