[ eek ] SHOW IPA
verb (used with object), eked, ek·ing. to increase; enlarge; lengthen.
Verb Phrases eke out, to make (a living) or support (existence) laboriously: They managed to eke out a living by farming a small piece of land. to supplement; add to; stretch: to eke out an income with odd jobs. Origin of eke 1 before 1000; Middle English eken, Old English ēac (i )an (intransitive), derivative of ēaca (noun) increase; Middle English echen, Old English ēcan, variant of īecan (transitive) <West Germanic *aukjan; both akin to Old Norse auka, Gothic aukan, Latin augēre, Greek auxánein to increase, amplify
Words nearby eke ejusd., eka-, Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinodar, Ekaterinoslav, eke , eke out, EKG, ekistic, ekistician, ekistics
Definition for eke (2 of 2) [ eek ] SHOW IPA
Origin of eke 2 before 900; Middle English eek, Old English ēc, ēac; cognate with German auch, Old Norse, Gothic auk
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for eke The polls say Republicans will likely eke out a small majority in the Senate this Election Day.
How This Election Could Go to January | Michael Tomasky| October 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They made the playoffs just four times and managed to eke out only one playoff series win.
Donald Sterling’s Last Laugh: Force Him to Sell the Clippers and He Could Pay No Taxes | Nick Lum| May 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Thanks to an unexpectedly strong showing in the West and the farm belt, Truman managed to eke out re-election.
David's Bookclub: Strom Thurmond's America | David Frum| April 16, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Polls suggests he should be able to eke out a win of three points or so.
Michael Tomasky Makes His Election 2012 Predictions | Michael Tomasky| November 6, 2012| DAILY BEAST
President Obama is likely to eke out a popular vote victory and a win the electoral college.
Intrade: An Ohio Story | Matthew Zeitlin| November 5, 2012| DAILY BEAST
He learnt to eke out his meagre supplies by living on the wild game of the country, the native flour, bananas and mangoes.
Sketches of the East Africa Campaign | Robert Valentine Dolbey
Faults of temper she may have had, and eke narrow prejudices on sundry points.
In the Valley | Harold Frederic
They showed me several seed-bearing bushes and weeds which in old time had helped to eke out for them an existence.
Aw-Aw-Tam Indian Nights | J. William Lloyd
Their helms and eke their mail-coats / bound on horse did stand: And doughty knights made ready / to fare from out that land.
The Nibelungenlied | Unknown
And he had justs and turnaments, Whereto were many prest, Wherein some knights did far excell And eke surmount the rest.
A Book of Ballads, Volume 3 | Various
British Dictionary definitions for eke (1 of 2) verb (tr) archaic to increase, enlarge, or lengthen
Word Origin for eke Old English eacan; related to Old Norse auka to increase, Latin augēre to increase
British Dictionary definitions for eke (2 of 2) Word Origin for eke Old English eac; related to Old Norse, Gothic auk also, Old High German ouh, Latin autem but, aut or
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to eke augment, economize, fill, husband, increase, magnify, stretch, supplement