In addition to the main campus and adjoining streets, clinic officers also patrol other hospitals and properties it operates in northeast Ohio.
The Startling Reach and Disparate Impact of Cleveland Clinic’s Private Police Force|by David Armstrong|September 28, 2020|ProPublica
Aera and TRC, another oil company that leased adjoining property, periodically pumped out the oil and sold it.
Oil Companies Are Profiting From Illegal Spills. And California Lets Them.|by Janet Wilson, The Desert Sun, and Lylla Younes, ProPublica|September 18, 2020|ProPublica
Companies tend to create oil palm plantations in large tracts, many of which adjoin neighboring plantations.
Our Taste for Cheap Palm Oil Is Killing Chimpanzees|Carrie Arnold|July 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The ideal plan would be for this room to adjoin the university library like a seminar room.
Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association Held at Ottawa, Canada June 26-July 2, 1912|Various
Another small building must adjoin this, in which are the bellows and the man who works them.
De Re Metallica|Georgius Agricola
Wherever possible the playground should adjoin the school building or community house, or both.
The Farmer and His Community|Dwight Sanderson
Two or three wretched cottages for laborers, surrounded by mud, adjoin it on the left.
Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets, Vol. I (of 2)|William Howitt
This basket is carried out into the tules that adjoin the lakes, and sunk to the depth of two or three feet.
Wigwam and War-path; Or the Royal Chief in Chains|A. B. (Alfred Benjamin) Meacham
British Dictionary definitions for adjoin
/ (əˈdʒɔɪn) /
to be next to (an area of land, etc)
(tr foll by to) to join; affix or attach
Word Origin for adjoin
C14: via Old French from Latin adjungere, from ad- to + jungere to join