a repetition of sound produced by the reflection of sound waves from a wall, mountain, or other obstructing surface.
a sound heard again near its source after being reflected.
any repetition or close imitation, as of the ideas or opinions of another.
a person who reflects or imitates another.
a sympathetic or identical response, as to sentiments expressed.
a lingering trace or effect.
(initial capital letter)Classical Mythology. a mountain nymph who pined away for love of the beautiful youth Narcissus until only her voice remained.
Cards. the play of a high card and then a low card in the suit led by one's partner as a signal to continue leading the suit, as in bridge, or to lead a trump, as in whist.
Electronics. the reflection of a radio wave, as in radar or the like.
(initial capital letter)U.S. Aerospace. one of an early series of inflatable passive communications satellites.
a word used in communications to represent the letter E.
verb (used without object),ech·oed,ech·o·ing.
to emit an echo; resound with an echo: The hall echoed with cheers.
to be repeated by or as by an echo: Shouts echoed through the street.
verb (used with object),ech·oed,ech·o·ing.
to repeat by or as by an echo; emit an echo of: The hall echoes the faintest sounds.
to repeat or imitate the words, sentiments, etc., of (a person).
to repeat or imitate (words, sentiments, etc.).
Origin of echo
1300–50; Middle English ecco<Latin ēchō<Greek, akin to ēchḗ sound
12, 13 ring, reverberate.
ech·o·er,nounech·o·less,adjectiveoutecho,verb (used with object),out·ech·oed,out·ech·o·ing.sub·ech·o,noun,pluralsub·ech·oes.
The discovery of coronavirus in the bathroom of an unoccupied apartment in Guangzhou, China, suggests the airborne pathogen may have wafted upwards through drain pipes, an echo of a large SARS outbreak in Hong Kong 17 years ago.
Scientists found coronavirus in a long-vacant apartment. A possible spreader? ‘Fecal aerosol plumes’|Claire Zillman, reporter|August 27, 2020|Fortune
Between 2011 and 2015, NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft mapped the craters of perpetual darkness, and confirmed that they match up with the pattern of radar echoes.
These Images Expose the Dark Side of the Solar System - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Corey S. Powell|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
This could exacerbate the problem Eli Pariser pointed out in The Filter Bubble years ago—that is, the tendency of the modern internet to shunt users into echo chambers where they are shielded from contrary views.
The Anonymous Culture Cops of the Internet - Facts So Romantic|Jesse Singal|August 12, 2020|Nautilus
Around the world, seismometers don’t just pick up loud echoes of earthquakes rumbling through the subsurface.
A repeated sound that is caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface. The sound is heard more than once because of the time difference between the initial production of the sound waves and their return from the reflecting surface.
A wave that carries a signal and is reflected. Echoes of radio signals (carried by electromagnetic waves) are used in radar to detect the location or velocity of distant objects.