Why do such militants fire at Sderot and not at, say, the Egyptian town of Rafah along the Gaza border?
Was Obama Wrong About Sderot?|Jonathan S. Mark|March 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Sderot is the closest Israeli town to Gaza, and the easiest to hit.
Was Obama Wrong About Sderot?|Jonathan S. Mark|March 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Gaza militants have fired thousands of rockets and mortar bombs at Sderot, and not a single one at Haifa.
Was Obama Wrong About Sderot?|Jonathan S. Mark|March 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Searches for an ultimate "root cause" of Gaza militants' rocket fire on Sderot will probably never succeed.
Was Obama Wrong About Sderot?|Jonathan S. Mark|March 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
What are the underlying chords that lead to rocket fire on Sderot?
Was Obama Wrong About Sderot?|Jonathan S. Mark|March 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
/ (ˌsdeɪˈrəʊt) /
a city in the W Negev in S Israel, close to the border with Gaza; a target for sustained rocket attack by Hamas since 2001. Population: 19 800 (2006 est)
Words nearby Sderot
Scythian lamb, SD, S.D.A., S. Dak., 'sdeath, Sderot, SDI, SDK, SDLP, S. Doc., SDP