[ ee -zuh l ] SHOW IPA
noun a stand or frame for supporting or displaying at an angle an artist's canvas, a blackboard, a china plate, etc.
Also called masking frame . Photography . a frame, often with adjustable masks, used to hold photographic paper flat and control borders when printing enlargements.
Origin of easel 1625–35; <Dutch ezel ass, easel (cognate with German Esel, Old English esel ass) <Vulgar Latin *asilus, for Latin asellus, diminutive of asinus ass1
OTHER WORDS FROM easel easeled, adjective Words nearby easel earworm, ear wrap, EAS, ease, easeful, easel , easement, ease off, ease out, easier said than done, easily
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for easel The last drawing, he reveals, will be of Arthur sitting at an easel painting Denison.
Forever a Golden Girl: The Art of Being Bea Arthur | Tim Teeman| July 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
On the easel sits a depiction of sun shining through trees, illuminating the grass below.
This Is Where George W. Bush Paints | Olivia Nuzzi| July 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
A photograph showed Bush hunched over an easel in what appears to be a home gym.
This Is Where George W. Bush Paints | Olivia Nuzzi| July 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I went back to my easel and motioned the model to resume her pose.
Read ‘The King in Yellow,’ the ‘True Detective’ Reference That’s the Key to the Show | Robert W. Chambers| February 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
While moving a framed canvas from one easel to another my foot slipped on the polished floor, and I fell heavily on both wrists.
Read ‘The King in Yellow,’ the ‘True Detective’ Reference That’s the Key to the Show | Robert W. Chambers| February 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
During these three or four hours Gaston walked up and down the studio while Waterlow either sat or stood before his easel .
The Reverberator | Henry James
Beyond this disarray stood the easel , still holding the mother's portrait.
Ewing\\'s Lady | Harry Leon Wilson
At the sound, Robert Barton shivered and shrank back against the easel .
Doctor Luttrell's First Patient | Rosa Nouchette Carey
She sprang up to look at a sketch of him, dashed off the day before, which was on the easel .
The History of David Grieve | Mrs. Humphry Ward
Recognizing the little figure at the easel , they came at once to see what she was working at so briskly.
A Fourth Form Friendship | Angela Brazil
British Dictionary definitions for easel noun a frame, usually in the form of an upright tripod, used for supporting or displaying an artist's canvas, blackboard, etc
Word Origin for easel C17: from Dutch ezel ass 1 ; related to Gothic asilus, German Esel, Latin asinus ass
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to easel tripod, mount, frame