any of various theories or philosophical systems that seek to explain phenomena of nature by the action of force.Compare mechanism (def. 8), vitalism (def. 1).
great energy, force, or power; vigor: the dynamism of the new governor.
Psychology. a habitual mode of reducing or eliminating tension.
I guess I’m waiting for the economists to run me out of town but I’m working at trying to get them to think about flourishing and to think more about the dynamism in an economy that makes it possible for large numbers of people to flourish.
Honey, I Grew the Economy (Ep. 399)|Stephen J. Dubner|December 5, 2019|Freakonomics
Dynamism is increasingly driven not by economies of scale but by competitively driven marginal improvements.
Relax—Both Parties Are Going Extinct|Nick Gillespie|November 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the Church of England, as a Guardian profile outlined, his dynamism was atypical.
UK’s No 1 Churchman Doubts Existence of God: The Archbishop of Canterbury Thinks Deep When Running With His Dog|Tim Teeman|September 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But if we accept the dynamism of capitalism that helps to generate so much wealth, we must also accept its volatility.
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Live In: Kevin Baker’s New York|Allen Barra|September 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Which is to say, reducing the flexibility and dynamism of the economy.
The Coming Retirement Burden|Megan McArdle|February 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The GOP has to be a party of enterprise, technology, dynamism.
Election Night Open Thread|David Frum, Justin Green|November 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The Christian element is in morality, the Buddhistic in dynamism.
The Created Legend|Feodor Sologub
Realism is not identical with materialism, and may even be definitely connected with the very opposite, dynamism or energism.
The Wonders of Life|Ernst Haeckel
At the basis of all is force, dynamism, and universal mind, or spirit.
Mysterious Psychic Forces|Camille Flammarion
There is no dynamism because there is no suggestion of the inherent force which all substance involves.
Modern Painting, Its Tendency and Meaning|Willard Huntington Wright
The profound reasons for dynamism in art were left untouched by them.
Modern Painting, Its Tendency and Meaning|Willard Huntington Wright
British Dictionary definitions for dynamism
/ (ˈdaɪnəˌmɪzəm) /
philosophyany of several theories that attempt to explain phenomena in terms of an immanent force or energyCompare mechanism (def. 5), vitalism