Hence, Shankar partnered with a company in Tirupur that uses plant-based dyes like marigold or myrobalan.
How a Wasteland Shrub Is Becoming the Next Big Thing in Fashion|Daniel Malloy|August 28, 2020|Ozy
In textile manufacturing, which often takes place in developing countries, those harmful dyes can cause health problems for workers and do more damage as toxic runoff.
Scientists Gene-Hack Cotton Plants to Make Them Every Color of the Rainbow|Jason Dorrier|August 11, 2020|Singularity Hub
Though they’re favored for speed and quality, synthetic dyes can include formaldehyde and heavy metals which stain the skin and cause cancer.
Scientists Gene-Hack Cotton Plants to Make Them Every Color of the Rainbow|Jason Dorrier|August 11, 2020|Singularity Hub
The researchers used many techniques to analyze the dye and identify its chemical structure.
Ancient recipes helped scientists resurrect a long-lost blue hue|Carolyn Wilke|May 26, 2020|Science News For Students
By making the dye, the scientists could study its chemistry without experimenting on priceless works of art, she points out.
Ancient recipes helped scientists resurrect a long-lost blue hue|Carolyn Wilke|May 26, 2020|Science News For Students
They dye their hair and alter their clothes, but not enough to attract attention from authorities.
North Korea’s Secret Movie Bootleggers: How Western Films Make It Into the Hermit Kingdom|Lizzie Crocker|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Fame came only after Cohn pressured her to diet, dye her hair, cap her teeth, and change her name.
Should We Give Kim Novak a Break on the Oscar Plastic Surgery Hate-Tweeting?|Lizzie Crocker|March 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“However, the dye job takes about five hours, and costs at least 600 yuan,” or nearly $100, says one employee.
China’s Dog-Dyeing Craze: Once Shunned, Pet Pooches Now Embraced|Melinda Liu|July 8, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Judd Apatow is the one who famously had you dye your hair red for your breakout role in Superbad.
Emma Stone On ‘The Amazing Spider-Man,’ Andrew Garfield, & More|Marlow Stern|June 26, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In her spare time, she has focused on other vices—hair dye, “tea.”
Lindsay Lohan Heads to Jail|Rebecca Dana|July 5, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Then it is rather difficult to dye to shade, much of the result depending on conditions over which the dyer has little control.
The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics|Franklin Beech
Silk is dyed by dipping the skeins or yards of silk in great vats of dye.
Clothing and Health|Helen Kinne
After it had "taken" well, the cloth was removed from the dye and rinsed well, the rinse water was salted so as to set the color.
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States|Work Projects Administration
She dye wid copperas and walnut and wild indigo and things like dat and make pretty cloth.
Slave Narratives, Oklahoma|Various
The dye applied to skin and hair gave him a grotesque, almost maniacal aspect.
The Message|Louis Tracy
British Dictionary definitions for dye
/ (daɪ) /
a staining or colouring substance, such as a natural or synthetic pigment
a liquid that contains a colouring material and can be used to stain fabrics, skins, etc
the colour or shade produced by dyeing
verbdyes, dyeingordyed
(tr)to impart a colour or stain to (something, such as fabric or hair) by or as if by the application of a dye
Derived forms of dye
dyableordyeable, adjectivedyer, noun
Word Origin for dye
Old English dēagian, from dēag a dye; related to Old High German tugōn to change, Lettish dūkans dark