[ key-puh -bil -i-tee ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌkeɪ pəˈbɪl ɪ ti / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun, plural ca·pa·bil·i·ties. the quality of being capable; capacity; ability: His capability was unquestionable.
the ability to undergo or be affected by a given treatment or action: the capability of glass in resisting heat.
Usually capabilities. qualities, abilities, features, etc., that can be used or developed; potential: Though dilapidated, the house has great capabilities.
Origin of capability 1580–90; (<Middle French capabilité ) <Late Latin capābili (s ) capable + -ty2
OTHER WORDS FROM capability o·ver·ca·pa·bil·i·ty, noun, plural o·ver·ca·pa·bil·i·ties. su·per·ca·pa·bil·i·ty, noun, plural su·per·ca·pa·bil·i·ties. Words nearby capability Caodaism, caoutchouc, Cao Yu, cap, capa, capability , Capablanca, capable, capacious, capacitance, capacitate
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for capability Should capability delivery experience additional changes, this estimate will be revised appropriately.
Pentagon Misfires in Stealth Jet Scandal | Dave Majumdar| January 8, 2015| DAILY BEAST
As for the search, which will soon resume, Soelisto confessed that “the capability of our equipment is not optimum.”
Did Bad Weather Bring Down AirAsia 8501? | Clive Irving| December 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Nor are there any current plans to add that capability to the F-35.
Newest U.S. Stealth Fighter ‘10 Years Behind’ Older Jets | Dave Majumdar| December 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
As Kurdish leaders acknowledge, liberating Mosul is beyond the capability of the peshmerga and government forces will be needed.
Iraqi Kurds Get Their Groove Back, End Siege of Mount Sinjar | Jamie Dettmer| December 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
SWU defines the capability derived from the number of uranium-enriching centrifuges and their efficiency.
Iran Supreme Leader Spills the Nuke Talk Secrets | IranWire| July 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The fact that he is a great favorite in London speaks volumes for his capability .
Nat Goodwin's Book | Nat C. Goodwin
The capability of being distracted by the presence of other things varies in all workers.
The Psychology of Management | L. M. Gilbreth
Then Merry had suddenly appeared on the scene and seemed to oust the new man before the latter had a show to prove his capability .
Frank Merriwell's Return to Yale | Burt L. Standish
Its stimulus wears off quickly and leaves a corresponding depression, but it confers half an hour of capability of intense effort.
Habits that Handicap | Charles B. Towns
The vivida vis, the capability of growth, had well-nigh passed from Latin when Petrarch was born.
The Mediaeval Mind (Volume II of II) | Henry Osborn Taylor
British Dictionary definitions for capability noun plural -ties the quality of being capable; ability
the quality of being susceptible to the use or treatment indicated the capability of a metal to be fused
(usually plural) a characteristic that may be developed; potential aptitude
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Content related to capability What Is Negative Capability?John Keats wrote a letter in which he expressed a quality of human existence that is tricky to articulate. He called the concept negative capability.
Words related to capability wherewithal, capacity, power, facility, means, proficiency, efficiency, potential, skill, effectiveness, competence, potency, art, potentiality, efficacy, adequacy, qualification, craft, aptitude, faculty