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[ skuh-las-tik ] / skəˈlæs tɪk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR scholastic ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective Also scho·las·ti·cal. of or relating to schools, scholars, or education: scholastic attainments. of or relating to secondary education or schools: a scholastic meet. pedantic. of or relating to the medieval schoolmen. noun(sometimes initial capital letter) a schoolman, a disciple of the schoolmen, or an adherent of scholasticism. a pedantic person. Roman Catholic Church. a student in a scholasticate. Origin of scholastic1590–1600; <Latin scholasticus<Greek scholastikós studious, learned, derivative of scholázein to be at leisure to study. See school1, -tic OTHER WORDS FROM scholasticscho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverban·ti·scho·las·tic, adjective, nounan·ti·scho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverbhy·per·scho·las·tic, adjective hy·per·scho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverbnon·scho·las·tic, adjectivenon·scho·las·ti·cal, adjectivenon·scho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverbpost·scho·las·tic, adjectivepre·scho·las·tic, adjectivepro·scho·las·tic, adjectivepseu·do·scho·las·tic, adjectivepseu·do·scho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverbqua·si-scho·las·tic, adjectivequa·si-scho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverbsem·i·scho·las·tic, adjectivesem·i·scho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverbun·scho·las·tic, adjectiveun·scho·las·ti·cal·ly, adverb Words nearby scholasticscholar, scholarch, scholarly, scholarship, scholar's mate, scholastic, Scholastic Aptitude Test, scholasticate, scholasticism, scholiast, scholium Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for scholasticI had an idea for a movie and I had a meeting with Scholastic Publishing because they have a movie division. Bob Balaban: How I Write|Noah Charney|February 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST “There was a nice music to his writing,” says Lee Kravitz, his longtime editor at Scholastic and then at Parade. The Death of Co-Author of ‘Three Cups of Tea’ Is Ruled Suicide|Michael Daly|December 6, 2012|DAILY BEAST The scholastic pitches finished, the campers returned to their doll designs. Camp Fashion Design Draws Budding Designers To New York|Robin Givhan|July 13, 2012|DAILY BEAST Scholastic Press editorial director David Levithan recalled his hesitation to the premise. The Next Twilight|Denise Martin|August 28, 2010|DAILY BEAST
But how should Scholastic handle their readers who have long since grown up? The Baby-Sitters Club's New Cult|Tali Yahalom|March 27, 2010|DAILY BEAST But if speculative subtilties give offence, what must we say of the scholastic philosophers who indulged in them to such excess? Novum Organum|Francis Bacon It is not the purpose of this volume to offer a mere textbook or a scholastic essay on historical events. The Two Great Republics: Rome and the United States|James Hamilton Lewis These were the rich treasures which lay concealed in the scholastic teaching of the middle ages. The Catholic World; Volume I, Issues 1-6|E. Rameur The scholastic landscape painter triumphed; a school it was which nourished itself on empty formulas, and so died of anmia. The History of Modern Painting, Volume 2 (of 4)|Richard Muther Professor Cardell wore a flush which looked as if it had its rise in scholastic pride rather than in rebuked humility. The Cottage of Delight|Will N. Harben
British Dictionary definitions for scholastic
adjectiveof, relating to, or befitting schools, scholars, or education pedantic or precise (often capital) characteristic of or relating to the medieval Schoolmen nouna student or pupil a person who is given to quibbling or logical subtleties; pedant (often capital) a disciple or adherent of scholasticism; Schoolman - a Jesuit student who is undergoing a period of probation prior to commencing his theological studies
- the status and position of such a student
Derived forms of scholasticscholastically, adverbWord Origin for scholasticC16: via Latin from Greek skholastikos devoted to learning, ultimately from skholē school 1 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to scholasticlearned, scholarly, lettered, literary, pedantic |