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[ drib-uhl ] / ˈdrɪb əl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR dribble ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used without object), drib·bled, drib·bling.to fall or flow in drops or small quantities; trickle. to drivel; slaver. Sports. to advance a ball or puck by bouncing it or giving it a series of short kicks or pushes. verb (used with object), drib·bled, drib·bling.to let fall in drops. Sports. - Basketball. to bounce (the ball) as in advancing or keeping control of it.
- (especially in ice hockey and soccer) to move (the ball or puck) along by a rapid succession of short kicks or pushes.
nouna small trickling stream or a drop. a small quantity of anything: a dribble of revenue. Sports. an act or instance of dribbling a ball or puck. Scot. a drizzle; a light rain. Origin of dribble1555–65; frequentative of obsolete drib (v.), probably variant of drip OTHER WORDS FROM dribbledribbler, nounWords nearby dribbleDreyfus, Dreyfus affair, Dreyfusard, DRG, drib, dribble, driblet, dribs and drabs, driech, dried, dried-fruit beetle Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for dribbleHe shoots it, catch-and-shoot, or off the dribble, like Steph. Jamal Murray Isn’t The New Steph Curry, But He Might Be Close|Michael Pina|September 22, 2020|FiveThirtyEight It’s no surprise that Murray has been the most frequent recipient of dribble handoffs during the playoffs. Donovan Mitchell And Jamal Murray Are Taking Different Paths To Domination|Jared Dubin|September 1, 2020|FiveThirtyEight The two complement each other in several different ways, but nothing is more mutually beneficial than their dribble handoffs. The Miami Heat’s Dynamic Duo Could Make Noise In The Playoffs|Michael Pina|August 12, 2020|FiveThirtyEight She reluctantly gulps it down, chokes, and allows little rivers of green juice to dribble from the corner of her mouth. Is This Dildo-Licking, Dominatrix-Loving Vogue Blogger the New Face of Feminism?|Lizzie Crocker|May 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Others, who had spent the evening dining, began to dribble in. Colonel Crockett's Co-operative Christmas|Rupert Hughes Mixon lay unconscious, his heavy breathing sounding painfully through Mrs. Brown's dribble of speech. Patty's Perversities|Arlo Bates Then the free juice is drawn off and the rest left to dribble out, after tepid water has been added to hasten the process. Rambles in Normandy|Francis Miltoun Peter whirled completely around, to throw off the guard hovering in front of him, and started a dribble. The Boy Scouts of Lakeville High|Leslie W. Quirk What do I care for his dribble of drink and his deceiving tongue? The House on the Moor, v. 2/3|Mrs. Oliphant
British Dictionary definitions for dribble
verb(usually intr) to flow or allow to flow in a thin stream or drops; trickle (intr) to allow saliva to trickle from the mouth (in soccer, basketball, hockey, etc) to propel (the ball) by repeatedly tapping it with the hand, foot, or stick nouna small quantity of liquid falling in drops or flowing in a thin stream a small quantity or supply an act or instance of dribbling Derived forms of dribbledribbler, noundribbly, adjectiveWord Origin for dribbleC16: frequentative of drib, variant of drip Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to dribblesquirt, ooze, drizzle, run, seep, leak, spout, drop, drip, distill, drivel, salivate, slaver, drool, weep, slobber, trill |