In this case, the saying definitely applies, since it’s a lot harder to get the smell of sweat out of everything, than it is to stop things getting smelly in the first place.
Working out at home? Here’s how to keep your house from smelling like a gym.|Harry Guinness|September 3, 2020|Popular Science
Lily Peng, 37, group product manager at Google“Credit is not a zero-sum game” is a saying that Phil Nelson, one of my mentors at Google, often uses.
The advice that helped this year’s 40 under 40 find their own path|kdunn6|September 3, 2020|Fortune
Mainstream media bias toward covering violence in protests is well studied, best encapsulated by the saying “If it bleeds, it leads.”
How an overload of riot porn is driving conflict in the streets|Bobbie Johnson|September 3, 2020|MIT Technology Review
But, as the old saying goes, nothing worth having in life is truly free.
Nine mistakes to avoid when contacting websites for backlinks|Raj Dosanjh|July 29, 2020|Search Engine Watch
We’re all old enough to have grown up under the saying that politics stops at the water’s edge, and I certainly would like to see us go back to that.
Will Covid-19 Spark a Cold War (or Worse) With China? (Ep. 414)|Stephen J. Dubner|April 23, 2020|Freakonomics
Leapolitan responded by saying, “hopefully youll [sic] bite into a poison apple.”
Grindr’s Trans Dating Problem|David Levesley|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Scalise spoke briefly, adding little of substance, saying that the people back home know him best.
The Price of Steve Scalise’s Silence|Jason Berry|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
In other words, the Air Force is saying that its drone force has been stretched to its limits.
Exclusive: U.S. Drone Fleet at ‘Breaking Point,’ Air Force Says|Dave Majumdar|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
They liked what Duke was saying and were willing to look beyond what little they knew of his past.
The Louisiana Racists Who Courted Steve Scalise|Jason Berry|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I remember that after the movie, people were saying how depressing it was, and I started an argument with them.
The Story Behind Lee Marvin’s Liberty Valance Smile|Robert Ward|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The cook here turned to me, saying that Mrs. Fairfax was waiting for me: so I departed.
Jane Eyre|Charlotte Bronte
The saying is perhaps not historical but it illustrates Indian sentiment.
Hinduism and Buddhism, Vol I. (of 3)|Charles Eliot
Lancken stiffened perceptibly at this suggestion and refused, frankly, saying that he could not do anything of the sort.
A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium|Hugh Gibson
Yet how could he have held the pistol to her head, saying, "No marriage, no elopement."
The Incredible Honeymoon|E. Nesbit
Well, of course the saying is foolish, and sounds doubly ridiculous in this age when people believe in neither God nor devil.