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[ saw-see ] / ˈsɔ si / SEE SYNONYMS FOR saucy ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, sau·ci·er, sau·ci·est.impertinent; insolent: a saucy remark; a saucy child. pert; boldly smart: a saucy little hat for Easter. Origin of saucyFirst recorded in 1500–10; sauce + -y1 SYNONYMS FOR saucy1 rude, impudent, fresh, brazen. 2 jaunty. SEE SYNONYMS FOR saucy ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM saucysau·ci·ly, adverbsau·ci·ness, nouno·ver·sau·cy, adjectiveWords nearby saucysaucer dome, saucerization, sauce suprême, sauch, saucier, saucy, Saud, saudade, Saudi, Saudi Arabia, sauerbraten Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for saucyThe animated video clip accompanying the leak of “Gentleman” hints that some saucy booty shaking will be involved. ‘Gentleman’: Is ‘Psy’s ‘Gangnam’ Follow-Up Any Good?|Kevin Fallon|April 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST The saucy and self-possessed singer had kicked her cocaine drug habit and hired a new manager, Lupe De Leon. Etta James’s Son Donto Says Addiction Was Part of Famed Singer’s Life|Christine Pelisek|November 15, 2012|DAILY BEAST The now-former CIA director and his alleged mistress, Paula Broadwell, often wrote each other saucy email messages. Rules David Petraeus Broke: Seven Tips for a Top-Secret Affair|Lizzie Crocker|November 13, 2012|DAILY BEAST The woman is a force of nature: tough, spirited, saucy, straight-talking, fierce. Michelle Obama’s Democratic Convention Speech: What She Needs to Do|Michelle Cottle|September 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST
TMZ, which originally acquired the saucy snaps, says today in a blog entry that, "Harry's people dropped the ball." "Harry's Security Team Acted Like A Bunch of Amateurs"|Tom Sykes|August 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST "Then you do risk doing what she tells you not to," said Floretta, with a saucy laugh. Dorothy Dainty at the Mountains|Amy Brooks His pictures are like saucy street ditties sung to a barrel-organ. The History of Modern Painting, Volume 2 (of 4)|Richard Muther "But we have had no chance to refuse," said saucy Miss Mifflin, raising her coquettish eyes. A Little Girl in Old Philadelphia|Amanda Minnie Douglas "Stop me if you can," she called back over her shoulder, her face alight and saucy. The Rustlers of Pecos County|Zane Grey It was very rude and saucy in Tom, but street-corners and saloon-steps soon teach a boy to be that. Maybee's Stepping Stones|Archie Fell
British Dictionary definitions for saucy
adjective saucier or sauciestimpertinent pert; jauntya saucy hat Derived forms of saucysaucily, adverbsauciness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to saucyrude, brash, cheeky, flippant, arch, audacious, bold, brazen, combative, flip, forward, fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent, intrusive, meddlesome, nervy, obtrusive, pert |