Example sentences from the Web for domiciliated What could this mean, but that we were now domiciliated in Japan, and must in future give up all thoughts of returning home?
Hair Breadth Escapes | T. S. Arthur
These are domiciliated people, and no mere birds of passage.
However, as the English in Ireland began to be domiciliated , they began also to recollect that they had a country.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. IV. (of 12) | Edmund Burke
This would not include the regular army and the domiciliated Indians.
Montreal 1535-1914 under the French Rgime | William Henry Atherton
Unknown, and in silence, they were domiciliated in courts and in families, throughout all nations; and some roamed as itinerants.
Mysticism and its Results | John Delafield
Words related to domiciliated subdue, suppress, restrain, soften, conquer, pacify, curb, temper, vanquish, naturalize, authorize, settle, form, provide, create, start, base, build, install, put
[ dŏm′ĭ-sĭl′ ē-ā′tĭd, dō′ mĭ- ]
adj. Of or relating to an organism living in close association with humans so that partial domestication results, leading to the organism's dependence on continued association with the human environment.
Words nearby domiciliated domicile, domiciliar, domiciliary, domiciliary care, domiciliate, domiciliated , dominance, dominance hierarchy, dominance of genes, dominant, dominant character
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.