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[ dih-stur-buhns ] / dɪˈstɜr bəns / SEE SYNONYMS FOR disturbance ON THESAURUS.COM
nounthe act of disturbing. the state of being disturbed. an instance of this; commotion. something that disturbs. an outbreak of disorder; a breach of public peace: Political disturbances shook the city. Meteorology. any cyclonic storm or low-pressure area, usually a small one. Geology. a crustal movement of moderate intensity, somewhat restricted in area. Origin of disturbance1250–1300; Middle English disto(u)rbance<Anglo-French, Old French. See disturb, -ance SYNONYMS FOR disturbance2 perturbation, confusion. 5 confusion, tumult, riot. SEE SYNONYMS FOR disturbance ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR disturbanceSEE ANTONYMS FOR disturbance ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for disturbance2. See agitation. 5. See disorder. OTHER WORDS FROM disturbancenon·dis·turb·ance, nounpre·dis·turb·ance, nounWords nearby disturbanceDistrito Federal, distrix, distrust, distrustful, disturb, disturbance, disturbed, disturbing, disty., distyle, disubstituted Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for disturbancePlaying in her yard one day, she saw “a ripple, a disturbance of the air … My first thought is that I have seen the devil.” Hilary Mantel Visits the Twilight Zone|Jennie Yabroff|October 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST The man was a member of the Los Angeles police force investigating a disturbance at such-and-such and address. The Stacks: Mr. Bad Taste and Trouble Himself: Robert Mitchum|Robert Ward|July 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST And they are writing a tell-all story or causing some kind of disturbance, be it legal or whatever else to get attention. Britain Puts Mormonism on Trial|Naomi Zeveloff|February 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST They knew someone had tried to clean up the house after a disturbance. The Strange and Mysterious Death of Mrs. Jerry Lee Lewis|Richard Ben Cramer|January 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Was a séance held or Ouija board used before the disturbance began? True Life: I’m a Part-Time Ghost Hunter|Christine Pelisek|September 15, 2013|DAILY BEAST This had happened before, and the disturbance created made manifest in much the same way. The Squire's Daughter|Archibald Marshall It is most frequently caused, however, in childhood by some disturbance in the stomach or bowels. The Eugenic Marriage, Volume IV. (of IV.)|Grant Hague I do not expect to find the disturbance that is rife in Paris, said Irma Lentz shortly. Ruth Fielding Homeward Bound|Alice B. Emerson The disturbance ceases when the glasses are moistened, and does not appear again till they have dried. Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, March 1899|Various When that telegram arrived at the old Corner House it failed to make much of a disturbance in the pool of the household existence. The Corner House Girls Among the Gypsies|Grace Brooks Hill
British Dictionary definitions for disturbance
nounthe act of disturbing or the state of being disturbed an interruption or intrusion an unruly outburst or tumult law an interference with another's rights geology - a minor movement of the earth causing a small earthquake
- a minor mountain-building event
meteorol a small depression psychiatry a mental or emotional disorder Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to disturbanceturmoil, uprising, shock, explosion, fracas, riot, interruption, brawl, violence, eruption, disruption, storm, tremor, upheaval, confusion, disorder, stink, agitation, ruckus, hullabaloo |