[ dih-stawrt ] SHOW IPA
verb (used with object) to twist awry or out of shape; make crooked or deformed: Arthritis had distorted his fingers.
to give a false, perverted, or disproportionate meaning to; misrepresent: to distort the facts.
Electronics . to reproduce or amplify (a signal) inaccurately by changing the frequencies or unequally changing the delay or amplitude of the components of the output wave.
Origin of distort 1580–90; from Latin distortus (past participle of distorquēre “to distort”), equivalent to dis- dis-1 + tor(qu)- (stem of torquēre “to twist”) + -tus past participle suffix
SYNONYMS FOR distort 2 pervert, misconstrue, twist, falsify, misstate.
synonym study for distort 2 . See misrepresent.
OTHER WORDS FROM distort dis·tort·er, noun dis·tor·tive, adjective non·dis·tort·ing, adjective non·dis·tort·ing·ly, adverb
non·dis·tor·tive, adjective o·ver·dis·tort, verb (used with object) un·dis·tort·ing, adjective
Words nearby distort distolinguo-occlusal, distomatosis, distomiasis, distomolar, distopulpal, distort , distorted, distortion, distortion aberration, distoversion, distr.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for distort The decisions we make about where to live are distort ed not just by politics that play down climate risks, but also by expensive subsidies and incentives aimed at defying nature.
Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration | by Abrahm Lustgarten, photography by Meridith Kohut| September 15, 2020| ProPublica
Earlier studies about digital contact tracing have been widely distort ed.
Coronavirus tracing apps can save lives even with low adoption rates | Patrick O'Neill| September 2, 2020| MIT Technology Review
Because these new constellations are being deployed in lower orbits, they’re much brighter, leaving behind long bright streaks on the image and sometimes distort ing other parts of the data.
Satellite mega-constellations risk ruining astronomy forever | Neel Patel| September 2, 2020| MIT Technology Review
They take a scientific pose to gain your confidence and then distort the facts to their own purposes.
How Pseudoscientists Get Away With It - Facts So Romantic | Stuart Firestein| August 28, 2020| Nautilus
That concept of distort ing perception was important, Ginzel said.
A Closer Look at the Public Art at Chicago Police Stations | by Logan Jaffe| August 21, 2020| ProPublica
And would-be collectors like Henry Stephenson continue to distort the cultural record in their hunt for hidden treasures.
Why eBay Is an Art Forger’s Paradise | Lizzie Crocker| August 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Saying a word in a different tone can distort or utterly mangle a line.
Why Won’t Hong Kong Get Down With Hip-Hop? | Tim Mak| June 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Or, they could distort the contents of the bill and attack anyone who disagreed with them as a legal Luddite and hysteric.
Are Opponents of Arizona's Anti-Gay Law Eager to Deceive? | Kirsten Powers| March 3, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I have witnessed at first hand how Irving likes to distort things.
The Fascist Historian and Me | Guy Walters| January 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
So serious is this heat that it can distort a major APUS engine component, the rotor shaft, and cause significant damage.
Planes in Flames: Why Does It Keep Happening? | Clive Irving| July 15, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Ill-constructed benches may not only distort the body, but, by reflex influence, the mind as well.
Woodward's Country Homes | George E. Woodward
Everything was done to encourage them, and nothing to suppress, or distort them.
Heart and Soul | Victor Mapes (AKA Maveric Post)
To search for hidden unities in the literature of an age is often to distort facts in the interest of theory.
Personality in Literature | Rolfe Arnold Scott-James
He protests against its use for controversial pamphlets which distort the truth.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 5 | Various
This Administration will not distort the value of the dollar in any fashion.
Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 | Various
British Dictionary definitions for distort verb (tr) (often passive) to twist or pull out of shape; make bent or misshapen; contort; deform
to alter or misrepresent (facts, motives, etc)
electronics to reproduce or amplify (a signal) inaccurately, changing the shape of the waveform
Derived forms of distort distorted , adjective distortedly , adverb distortedness , noun distorter , noun
distortive , adjective
Word Origin for distort C16: from Latin distortus misshapen, from distorquēre to turn different ways, from dis- 1 + torquēre to twist
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to distort pervert, misinterpret, disfigure, warp, twist, belie, misconstrue, deceive, misrepresent, mangle, alter, scam, color, whitewash, sag, bias, bend, fake, decline, angle