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[ dih-stil-uh-ree ] / dɪˈstɪl ə ri / SEE SYNONYMS FOR distillery ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural dis·till·er·ies.a place or establishment where distilling, especially the distilling of liquors, is done. Origin of distilleryFirst recorded in 1670–80; distill + -ery Words nearby distillerydistillation column, distilled, distilled water, distiller, distillers' grain, distillery, distillment, distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinctive feature Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for distilleryEvery single bottle the distillery makes starts from the same spirit. How Much Do Whisky Casks Really Affect Taste?||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST Which is why in 1961, the distillery finally decided to purchase the estate and its adjoining home. Ester Elchies, The Estate Built By Whiskey||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST And, perhaps most importantly, you will find a roving cast of characters—the employees of distillery. Ester Elchies, The Estate Built By Whiskey||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST So how do you open a distillery one year and have 5- or 15-year-old whiskey to sell the next? Your ‘Craft’ Rye Whiskey Is Probably From a Factory Distillery in Indiana|Eric Felten|July 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“All that they do is hire salespeople, make up a BS story, and boom, they look like a distillery,” Leopold says. Your ‘Craft’ Rye Whiskey Is Probably From a Factory Distillery in Indiana|Eric Felten|July 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST The molasses and skimmings were sent for, sale to Batavia, where one distillery might buy the produce of a hundred estates. Thoughts On The Necessity Of Improving The Condition Of The Slaves|Thomas Clarkson Few men have the means of establishing a distillery on a new plan, and even the most enlightened may make notable errors. The Art of Making Whiskey|Anthony Boucherie We visited the distillery, in which good whiskey is made, which is in much demand in the neighbouring places. Travels Through North America, v. 1-2|Berhard Saxe-Weimar Eisenach In the Transvaal there are pottery works, a cement factory, many breweries, and one distillery. South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 8 (of 8)|Various It had, for some time, the fate of the distillery; but I have heard that it now flourishes. A Five Years' Residence in Buenos Ayres|George Thomas Love
British Dictionary definitions for distillery
noun plural -eriesa place where alcoholic drinks, etc, are made by distillation Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to distillerydrink, alcohol, liquor, spirits, bourbon, moonshine, distiller, rotgut, corn, rye, poteen, moonshiner, hooch, distill, mountain dew, white lightning, spiritus frumenti, usquebaugh |