Perhaps there’s just too much dissonance when I pair it with chicken, the bar too high to meet.
Until I Can Go Back to My Favorite Restaurant, This Jerk Paste Is the Next Best Thing|Elazar Sontag|September 25, 2020|Eater
This will only make your user experience skyrocket and help negate dissonance from users.
Guide to using interactive 404s to boost your SEO|Amanda Jerelyn|September 24, 2020|Search Engine Watch
These subversive narratives were not the solution I sought to the dissonance between my expected and actual college experience.
Freshman Year Sucks—and That’s OK|Eleanor Hyun|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The darkness and dissonance of these tightly constructed tales reflect something of the political turbulence of Soviet Russia.
This Week’s Hot Reads: April 22, 2013|Mythili Rao|April 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST
There was no camp, kitsch, or dissonance to his pure love of Michael Jackson.
The Men in the Mirror|Richard Abowitz|October 14, 2009|DAILY BEAST
Miss Fanny did sound her A, and again a dissonance broke forth that would have thrown Orpheus into fits.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland|Various
Dissonance, in music, that effect which, results from the union of two sounds not in accord with each other.
The New Gresham Encyclopedia|Various
Nevertheless, the fourth was still considered a dissonance, and was permitted only between the upper parts of the music.
Critical & Historical Essays|Edward MacDowell
Clash of character being the starting point of drama we have it amplified in the international by both sympathy and dissonance.
Polly the Pagan|Isabel Anderson
But the house stood isolated, and outside the laurelled forests and porous cliffs soaked up the dissonance as a blotter soaks ink.
The Roof Tree|Charles Neville Buck
British Dictionary definitions for dissonance
/ (ˈdɪsənəns) /
a discordant combination of sounds
lack of agreement or consistency
a sensation commonly associated with all intervals of the second and seventh, all diminished and augmented intervals, and all chords based on these intervalsCompare consonance (def. 3)