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[ dis-i-duhns ] / ˈdɪs ɪ dəns / SEE SYNONYMS FOR dissidence ON THESAURUS.COM
noundisagreement: political dissidence. Origin of dissidence1650–60; <Latin dissidentia, equivalent to dissid- (see dissident) + -entia-ence synonym study for dissidenceSee dissent. OTHER WORDS FROM dissidencenon·dis·si·dence, nounWords nearby dissidencedissertate, dissertation, disserve, disservice, dissever, dissidence, dissident, dissidents, dissilient, dissimilar, dissimilarity Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for dissidenceBut why would a group of hackers who pride themselves on dissidence develop such a conscience? Anonymous’s Next Move|Winston Ross|April 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST Most of them are still in prison, and even the most timid signs of dissidence are relentlessly snuffed out. Bernard-Henri Lévy on Mansour Osanloo and Regime Change in Iran|Bernard-Henri Lévy|March 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST That is how St. Paul describes the dissidence of dissent, as it was known to him by grievous experience. The Expositor's Bible: The Pastoral Epistles|Alfred Plummer So much is said nowadays about the dissidence of the spiritual and intellectual worlds. Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. Of Trinity College, Cambridge|Arthur Christopher Benson
The dulness of unquestioning undiscriminating belief was disturbed by the freshening breezes of dissidence and discussion. The Eighteen Christian Centuries|James White He evidently understood neither the "dissidence of dissent" nor the Anglicanism of the Anglican Communion. William the Third|H. D. Traill This is the just and honourable ground of that dissidence of feeling on the part of Talleyrand that culminated in desertion.
Words related to dissidencediscordance, disharmony, contention, dissent, disagreement, schism, dissension, feud, heresy, nonconformity, strife, rupture, dispute, unorthodoxy, heterodoxy, disaccord, misbelief |