This is really a blueprint for what future mobility partnerships can look like.
Hear from Lyft, Cruise, Nuro and Aurora about the road ahead for driverless vehicles|Megan Rose Dickey|August 28, 2020|TechCrunch
Nature has already given us a genetic blueprint for healthy longevity.
The Secret to a Long, Healthy Life Is in the Genes of the Oldest Humans Alive|Shelly Fan|August 10, 2020|Singularity Hub
Maciej Boni, an epidemiologist at Penn State, and his colleagues examined the genetic blueprints of the new coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, and 67 related viruses.
Close relatives of the coronavirus may have been in bats for decades|Erin Garcia de Jesus|July 28, 2020|Science News
The team reconstructed nearly complete genetic blueprints of four of the 11 ancient viruses, which reveal that the Viking-era strains belong to a now-extinct group of variola viruses.
Ancient DNA suggests Vikings may have been plagued by smallpox|Erin Garcia de Jesus|July 24, 2020|Science News
A sitemap is essentially a blueprint of your website that helps search engines find, crawl and index your website’s content.
Five ways SEO and web design go together|Javier Bello|July 21, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Senator Rob Portman of Ohio has put together a plan that would serve well as a blueprint.
What the GOP Will Do If It Wins Congress|Stuart Stevens|October 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We create imagined relationships with stars to form the blueprint of who we want to be.
Face It—We Rubes Will Never Live Like Gwyneth and Jennifer Aniston|Rachel Bertsche|July 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The New York Times characterized it as "more of an attempt to test the waters than a blueprint for action."
Fact-Checking the Sunday Shows: June 15||June 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The EPA rules issued Monday are largely modeled on a March 2013 blueprint from the NRDC, which Doniger helped to write.
EPA’s New Regulations to Cut Carbon Emissions Are Obamacare for the Air|Jason Mark|June 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Some suggest that you lay out a blueprint, set reasonable goals, create benchmarks, and believe in yourself.
15 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions|Kelly Williams Brown|December 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
On the table before him was what appeared to be a rough map or blueprint.
The Apartment Next Door|William Andrew Johnston
He poured over the blueprint again, striving to concentrate.
The Sword|Frank Quattrocchi
I only use glasses to see fine print and more especially the Bible and blueprint.
Warren Commission (3 of 26): Hearings Vol. III (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
He waved them around his desk and pointed to the blueprint on his desk.
The Space Pioneers|Carey Rockwell
He laid his hand on his wife's arm, and drawing her toward a table spread out the blueprint before her.
The Fruit of the Tree|Edith Wharton
British Dictionary definitions for blueprint
/ (ˈbluːˌprɪnt) /
Also called: cyanotypea photographic print of plans, technical drawings, etc, consisting of white lines on a blue background
an original plan or prototype that influences subsequent design or practicethe Montessori method was the blueprint for education in the 1940s