discrepant, discrete, discrete variable, discretion, discretional, discretionary, discretionary account, discretionary trust, Discretion is the better part of valor, discretization, discriminable
Because these higher-income consumers are spending less on experiences and travel, they have more discretionary income available to shop this holiday season.
What retailers should expect going into a holiday season during a pandemic|Rachel King|September 16, 2020|Fortune
That is not an unreasonable sum—it’s a fraction of the funding the US spends on health and defense innovation and just over 1% of the discretionary federal budget.
To confront the climate crisis, the US should launch a National Energy Innovation Mission|Amy Nordrum|September 15, 2020|MIT Technology Review
No finance, no energy, no industrials or consumer discretionary stocks.
A flurry of M&A deals lifts global stocks. Yes, even tech stocks|Bernhard Warner|September 14, 2020|Fortune
Arthrex employees receive an annual discretionary bonus in July at our fiscal-year end.
How the Best Workplaces in Manufacturing have risen to the COVID-19 challenge|lbelanger225|September 10, 2020|Fortune
The money Soros recently allocated to another global macro fund is therefore to one that blends the strategy’s traditional “discretionary” approach with a more computer-driven, quantitative one.
Hedge Fund ‘Pirates’ Set Sail Again|Daniel Malloy|August 21, 2020|Ozy
And customers at the lower end of the income skill are struggling to make ends meet, which pinches their discretionary spending.
Domino’s Fried-Chicken Pizza Means We’ve Hit Peak Food Trolling|Daniel Gross|April 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Discretionary spending comes up every year for renewal; the biggest-ticket item in that category is the defense budget.
Our Mindless Government Is Heading for a Spending Disaster|Nick Gillespie|April 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The federal budget is split into two large categories known as “discretionary” spending and “mandatory” spending.
Our Mindless Government Is Heading for a Spending Disaster|Nick Gillespie|April 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For starters, many of the discretionary programs the sequester slashes partially pay for themselves.
Republicans Don’t Really Care About Reducing America’s Debt|Peter Beinart|October 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Rather than rationalize the tax code, or reform entitlements, the government has taken a cleaver to discretionary spending.
A Debt Deal Won’t Save Us|Daniel Gross|October 15, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Bovadilla, invested with discretionary powers, set out with two caravels towards the end of June, 1500.
Celebrated Travels and Travellers|Jules Verne
I have no discretionary power on the subject—my duty is emphatically pronounced in the Constitution.
Key-Notes of American Liberty|Various
Every act of discretionary authority is treason against the constitution.
Leading Articles on Various Subjects|Hugh Miller
This discretionary power might be continued if Congress deem it desirable, whatever general system be adopted.
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents|James D. Richardson
Hence it is necessary to understand clearly what his intentions were, and what was the discretionary power left to him.
Battles of English History|H. B. (Hereford Brooke) George
British Dictionary definitions for discretionary
/ (dɪˈskrɛʃənərɪ, -ənrɪ) /
having or using the ability to decide at one's own discretiondiscretionary powers