Now a small band of Dylan sleuths led by an Albuquerque disc jockey may finally have found the key…but, to what?
Bob Dylan’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ Revealed|Chris Francescani|May 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The content that is on that disc should be made available to them and not locked under some arbitrary key.
An Obituary For the Online Pass: Why You Can’t Charge Us Extra For Used Video Games|Alec Kubas-Meyer|November 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
This called the "disc abnormalities cause back pain thesis into question".
The Most Dangerous Substance in America May Be Fertilizer|Megan McArdle|April 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But the fact is, people are reporting receiving the disc in the mail.
With ‘Dreams From My Real Father,’ Have Obama Haters Hit Rock Bottom?|Michelle Goldberg|September 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Need to watch a movie on disc or load a program or content the old fashioned way?
5 Reasons I Hate My New MacBook Pro: A Geek’s Critique|Jason Stewart|June 15, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The moon had risen over the lake and the water now only showed broken reflections of its disc.
Honey-Bee|Anatole France
If the disc is made 10 or 12 inches in diameter, it may be divided into degrees without difficulty.
Aviation Engines|Victor Wilfred Pag
In a disc (A), preferably made of brass, are two channels (B) at right angles to each other.
Practical Mechanics for Boys|J. S. Zerbe
He saw the Earthman and the girl casting interested glances at the disc vehicles that surrounded them everywhere.
The Revolt of the Star Men|Raymond Gallun
All the light that radiates from the Sun on its surface is condensed into a disc that becomes smaller and smaller.
Lumen|Camille Flammarion
British Dictionary definitions for disc
/ (dɪsk) /
a flat circular plate
something resembling or appearing to resemble thisthe sun's disc
another word for (gramophone) record
anatomyany approximately circular flat structure in the body, esp an intervertebral disc
the flat receptacle of composite flowers, such as the daisy
(as modifier)a disc floret
the middle part of the lip of an orchid
Also called: parking disca marker or device for display in a parked vehicle showing the time of arrival or the latest permitted time of departure or both