Zero Foodprint ended up suggesting a voluntary 1% surcharge on bills, just a few cents per diner, which can go to farmers to help them implement healthy-soil projects.
This restaurant duo want a zero-carbon food system. Can it happen?|Bobbie Johnson|September 24, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Unmasked diners seated indoors at full capacity sounds like, to be frank, a disaster in the making — which might explain why other states have not yet charged full speed ahead to reopening at full capacity.
Indiana Restaurants and Bars Get Green Light to Open at Full Capacity|Jenny G. Zhang|September 23, 2020|Eater
Customers must wear masks except when they’re seated, and diners must leave contact information for tracing, Cuomo said.
Here’s how indoor dining will reopen in New York City|Rachel King|September 9, 2020|Fortune
We finally did find a table, at a favorite place—La Scampagnata—and marveled at the sheer number of diners.
Investors continue to push global stocks into record territory|Bernhard Warner|August 24, 2020|Fortune
Restaurateurs can no longer cram diners in for tagliatelle and grigliata mista.
Investors continue to push global stocks into record territory|Bernhard Warner|August 24, 2020|Fortune
During that weekend, he writes, he met a two girls in a diner.
School Shooters Love This Pickup Artist Website|Brandy Zadrozny|December 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“There are various iterations of my life out there,” says Billy Hayes, digging into his Eggs Benedict at a Manhattan diner.
The Unbelievable (True) Story of the World’s Most Infamous Hash Smuggler|Marlow Stern|November 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the new world order where every diner is a critic, there is a lot of feigned expertise.
Do Michelin Stars Still Matter?|Brandon Presser|May 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Still to come are Honeymoon in Vegas, Diner, The Bodyguard, Back to The Future, Beaches and so many more.
Is Broadway Being Destroyed by Hollywood?|Michele Willens|March 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“The mission is to still make it feel like a diner,” Freitag says.