单词 | s |
释义 | s1SEE SYNONYMS FOR s ON THESAURUS.COM abbreviationsatisfactory. signature. small. soft. south. Definition for s (2 of 19)s2 Symbol.second. Definition for s (3 of 19)'s1 an ending used in writing to represent the possessive morpheme after most singular nouns, some plural nouns, especially those not ending in a letter or combination of letters representing an s or z sound, noun phrases, and noun substitutes, as in man's, women's, baby's, James's, witness's, (or witness'), king of England's, or anyone's. Origin of 's1Middle English -es,Old English Definition for s (4 of 19)'s2 contraction of is:She's here. contraction of does:What's he do for a living now? contraction of has:He's just gone. usage note for 'sSee contraction. Definition for s (5 of 19)'s3 Archaic.a contraction of God's, as in 'swounds; 'sdeath; 'sblood. Definition for s (6 of 19)'s4 a contraction of us, as in Let's go. usage note for 'sSee contraction. Definition for s (7 of 19)'s5 a contraction of as, as in so's to get there on time. Definition for s (8 of 19)S1 or s[ es ] / ɛs / noun, plural S's or Ss, s's or ss.the 19th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. any spoken sound represented by the letter S or s, as in saw, sense, or goose. something having the shape of an S. a written or printed representation of the letter S or s. a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter S or s. Definition for s (9 of 19)S2 abbreviationDefinition for s (10 of 19)S3 Symbol.Definition for s (11 of 19)-s1 a native English suffix used in the formation of adverbs: always; betimes; needs; unawares. Compare -ways. Origin of -s1Middle English -es,Old English; ultimately identical with 's1 Definition for s (12 of 19)-s2 an ending marking the third person singular indicative active of verbs: walks. Origin of -s2Middle English (north) -(e)s,Old English (north); originally ending of 2nd person singular, as in Latin and Greek; replacing Middle English, Old English -eth-eth1 Definition for s (13 of 19)-s3 an ending marking nouns as plural (boys; wolves), occurring also on nouns that have no singular (dregs; entrails; pants; scissors), or on nouns that have a singular with a different meaning (clothes; glasses; manners; thanks). The pluralizing value of -s3 is weakened or lost in a number of nouns that now often take singular agreement, as the names of games (billiards; checkers; tiddlywinks) and of diseases (measles; mumps; pox; rickets); the latter use has been extended to create informal names for a variety of involuntary conditions, physical or mental (collywobbles; d.t.'s; giggles; hots; willies). A parallel set of formations, where -s3 has no plural value, are adjectives denoting socially unacceptable or inconvenient states (bananas; bonkers; crackers; nuts; preggers; starkers); cf. -ers. Also -es. Origin of -s3Middle English -(e)s,Old English -as, plural nominative and accusative ending of some masculine nouns Definition for s (14 of 19)-s4 a suffix of hypocoristic nouns, generally proper names or forms used only in address: Babs; Fats; Suzykins; Sweetums; Toodles. Origin of -s4Probably from the metonymic use of nouns formed with -s3, as boots or Goldilocks Definition for s (15 of 19)s. Definition for s (16 of 19)S.1 (in prescriptions) mark; write; label. Origin of S.1From the Latin word signa Definition for s (17 of 19)S.2 (in prescriptions) let it be written. Origin of S.2From the Latin word signētur Definition for s (18 of 19)S.3 Fellow. Origin of S.3From the Latin word socius Definition for s (19 of 19)S.4 Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 British Dictionary definitions for s (1 of 10)s symbol forsecond (of time) British Dictionary definitions for s (2 of 10)s S/ (ɛs) / noun plural s's, S's or Ssthe 19th letter and 15th consonant of the modern English alphabet a speech sound represented by this letter, usually an alveolar fricative, either voiceless, as in sit, or voiced, as in dogs
British Dictionary definitions for s (3 of 10)S symbol forabbreviation forSweden (international car registration) British Dictionary definitions for s (4 of 10)-'s suffixforming the possessive singular of nouns and some pronounsman's; one's forming the possessive plural of nouns whose plurals do not end in -schildren's forming the plural of numbers, letters, or symbols20's; p's and q's informal contraction of is or hashe's here; John's coming; it's gone informal contraction of us with letlet's informal contraction of does in some questionswhere's he live?; what's he do? Word Origin for -'ssenses 1, 2: assimilated contraction from Middle English -es, from Old English, masculine and neuter genitive singular; sense 3, equivalent to -s 1 British Dictionary definitions for s (5 of 10)-s' suffixforming the possessive of plural nouns ending in the sound s or z and of some singular nounsgirls'; for goodness' sake British Dictionary definitions for s (6 of 10)-s1 -essuffixforming the plural of most nounsboys; boxes Word Origin for -sfrom Old English -as, plural nominative and accusative ending of some masculine nouns British Dictionary definitions for s (7 of 10)-s2 -essuffixforming the third person singular present indicative tense of verbshe runs; she washes Word Origin for -sfrom Old English (northern dialect) -es, -s, originally the ending of the second person singular British Dictionary definitions for s (8 of 10)-s3 suffixforming nicknames and names expressing affection or familiarityFats; Fingers; ducks Word Origin for -sspecial use of -s 1 British Dictionary definitions for s (9 of 10)s. abbreviation forsee semi- shilling singular son succeeded British Dictionary definitions for s (10 of 10)S. abbreviation forplural SS Saint school Sea Signor Society Word Origin for S.Latin socius Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Medical definitions for s (1 of 2)s abbr.semis (half) sinister (left) Medical definitions for s (2 of 2)S The symbol for the elementsulfur The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Scientific definitions for s (1 of 2)s Abbreviation of second (of time), second (of an arc) The symbol for strangeness. Scientific definitions for s (2 of 2)S The symbol for sulfur. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. |
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