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[ dik-tuhm ] / ˈdɪk təm / SEE SYNONYMS FOR dictum ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural dic·ta [dik-tuh], /ˈdɪk tə/, dic·tums.an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion. a saying; maxim. obiter dictum. Origin of dictum1660–70; <Latin: something said, a saying, command, word, noun use of neuter past participle of dīcere to say, speak; cf. index SYNONYMS FOR dictum1 edict, decree, fiat, order, declaration. 2 adage, proverb, truism, saw. SEE SYNONYMS FOR dictum ON THESAURUS.COM Words nearby dictumdictionary catalog, dictionary catalogue, Dictionary.com, dictionary of names, Dictograph, dictum, dicty, Dictynna, dictyoma, dictyopteran, dictyosome Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for dictumSomehow I haven't been able to locate that dictum in the Quran, ahadith or sunan, but it must be there somewhere. Hamas: The Palestinian Fashion Police|Hussein Ibish|April 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST In politics, the dictum ‘follow the money’ usually leads to uncomfortable truths. Partisan Journalists Are Following the Money All Too Literally|John Avlon|November 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST Because Sanford is not the only politician to disprove Scott Fitzgerald's dictum. Death of the Sex Scandal|Louise Roug Bokkenheuser|September 29, 2010|DAILY BEAST And so, rather than walking away from his fans, Costello should take heed of the dictum: “Where words fail, music speaks.” Elvis Costello Snubs Israel|Roi Ben-Yehuda|May 20, 2010|DAILY BEAST
This was the dictum of those in authority and the underlings were only too eager to fulfil it to the letter. Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons|Henry Charles Mahoney The big fellow in the firelight stressed inevitability in his dictum. Dust of the Desert|Robert Welles Ritchie He was sitting in the butlers pantry, sipping his one glass of port, when Sophronia entered and delivered her dictum. And this dictum gave rise to some rather embarrassing situations on more occasions than one. Twentieth Century Negro Literature|Various If by himself, then there is again the infinitely recurring series according to the dictum. Mental Philosophy: Including the Intellect, Sensibilities, and Will|Joseph Haven
British Dictionary definitions for dictum
noun plural -tums or -ta (-tə)a formal or authoritative statement or assertion; pronouncement a popular saying or maxim law See obiter dictum Word Origin for dictumC16: from Latin, from dīcere to say Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to dictumprecept, adage, aphorism, maxim, axiom, gnome, truism, apothegm, rule, moral, motto, saw, edict, fiat, dictate, assertion, affirmation, command, declaration, order |