

单词 diaphony

Example sentences from the Web for diaphony

  • He called his system an “organum” or “diaphony,” and to sing according to his rules was called to “organize” or “organate.”

    Critical & Historical Essays|Edward MacDowell
  • This question appears to have led to the practice of what Hucbald called "diaphony."

    A Popular History of the Art of Music|W. S. B. Mathews
  • He mentions organum and diaphony, and remarks that he finds the succession of fifths and fourths very tiresome.

    A Popular History of the Art of Music|W. S. B. Mathews


/ (daɪˈæfənɪ) /

noun music

a style of two-part polyphonic singing; organum or a freer form resembling it
(in classical Greece) another word for dissonance (def. 3) Compare symphony (def. 5a)

Derived forms of diaphony

diaphonic (ˌdaɪəˈfɒnɪk), adjective

Word Origin for diaphony

C17: from Late Latin diaphōnia, from Greek, from diaphōnos discordant, from dia- + phōnē sound

Words nearby diaphony

diaphanoscope, diaphanoscopy, diaphanous, diaphemetric, diaphone, diaphony, diaphorase, diaphoresis, diaphoretic, diaphototropism, diaphragm
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