Like Dewey Defeats Truman, Fellow Travelers is a book set in the world of politics without being a political book.
David's Book Club: Fellow Travelers|David Frum|July 22, 2012|DAILY BEAST
And in his self-retooling on immigration, Romney once again executed a perfect Dewey.
Immigration Could Sink Mitt Romney Regardless of Supreme Court Rulings|Robert Shrum|June 26, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In opposition to Dewey's argument, it would be reasonable to contend that plasticity is inherent in all nervous substance.
John Dewey's logical theory|Delton Thomas Howard
"It was your plea for me that give me the chance, Mr. Dewey," said Ben.
Ben's Nugget|Horatio, Jr. Alger
Certainly there was in the autumn of 1898 no decided opinion as to what should be done with the fruits of Dewey's victory.
History of the United States|Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
Dewey again claims for his theory the support of modern science.
John Dewey's logical theory|Delton Thomas Howard
"You're jest right," responded Dewey, after he had taken aim with the telescope.
Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors: Tales of 1812|James Barnes
British Dictionary definitions for Dewey
/ (ˈdjuːɪ) /
John. 1859–1952, US pragmatist philosopher and educator: an exponent of progressivism in education, he formulated an instrumentalist theory of learning through experience. His works include The School and Society (1899), Democracy and Education (1916), and Logic: the Theory of Inquiry (1938)