a thing made for a particular purpose; an invention or contrivance, especially a mechanical or electrical one.
a plan or scheme for effecting a purpose.
a crafty scheme; trick.
a particular word pattern, figure of speech, combination of word sounds, etc., used in a literary work to evoke a desired effect or arouse a desired reaction in the reader: rhetorical devices.
a mobile device: Students may not bring devices into the secure testing center.Don't leave your devices in a hot car.
something elaborately or fancifully designed.
a representation or design used as a heraldic charge or as an emblem, badge, trademark, or the like.
a motto.
Archaic. devising; invention.
Origin of device
1375–1425; blend of late Middle English devis division, discourse and devise heraldic device, will; both <Anglo-French, Old French <Latin dīvīsa, feminine of dīvīsus;see division
Already, there are some rudimentary commercial devices that loosely do something like a brain-machine interface.
Elon Musk is one step closer to connecting a computer to your brain|Rebecca Heilweil|August 28, 2020|Vox
Other devices, including ionizing and electrostatic purifiers, clean the air without using filters.
Can an air purifier help protect you from COVID-19?|dzanemorris|August 22, 2020|Fortune
It also confirms that you should boost your website to become a local SEO player and indeed, for a successful SEO period with smartphones and smart devices.
10 Tips to perform in depth local SEO for your business|Jackson Keil|July 20, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Users need a fast internet connection, a headset and some kind of computer or mobile device.
Virtual Reality Has Been Boosted by Coronavirus—Here’s How to Avoid It Leading Us to Dystopia|Alexandros Skandalis|June 24, 2020|Singularity Hub
Technological solutions like improved digital device security, abuse-aware technology design that distinguish users from others based on visual or behavioral cues and two-factor authentication to online services are not yet widespread.
Domestic Abusers Use Tech That Connects As A Weapon During Coronavirus Lockdowns|LGBTQ-Editor|June 19, 2020|No Straight News
But without any peace talks on the horizon, everyone is now left to their own devices.
In the Middle East, the Two-State Solution Is Dead|Dean Obeidallah|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Users “should be allowed to use these devices and services the way they were intended,” Brookman says.
How ‘Ethical’ Hotel Chain Marriott Gouges Guests in the Name of Wi-Fi Security|Kyle Chayka|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Passengers were asked to make sure their phones and other devices were charged so that they could be switched on for inspection.
A Gift to the Jihadis: The Unseen Airport Security Threat|Clive Irving|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But could it be that these devices are actually bringing us closer together?
Binge Watching is the New Bonding Time|The Daily Beast|December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
By the end of the year, the agency is expected to issue similar recommendations for devices already on the market.
How Your Pacemaker Will Get Hacked|Kaiser Health News|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The yardstick, the half bushel, and the coining of money are all devices to facilitate exchanges.
The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 9 (of 12)|Robert G. Ingersoll
Then he bowed himself out, saying that he would return in the morning, and left us to our own devices.
She and Allan|H. Rider Haggard
What skill did she not practise, what devices of taste not display, to cover over the hard features of their stern poverty!
Davenport Dunn, Volume 1 (of 2)|Charles James Lever
A sickening giddiness came over the two Earthians, for there were no devices to produce artificial gravity here.
The Revolt of the Star Men|Raymond Gallun
Is the scoundrel so devoid of devices that he has to go back on an old exploded villany?
Sir Brook Fossbrooke, Volume II.|Charles James Lever
British Dictionary definitions for device
/ (dɪˈvaɪs) /
a machine or tool used for a specific task; contrivance
euphemistica bomb
a plan or plot, esp a clever or evil one; scheme; trick
any ornamental pattern or picture, as in embroidery
computer hardware that is designed for a specific function
a written, printed, or painted design or figure, used as a heraldic sign, emblem, trademark, etc
a particular pattern of words, figures of speech, etc, used in literature to produce an effect on the reader
archaicthe act or process of planning or devising
leave someone to his own devicesto leave someone alone to do as he wishes
Word Origin for device
C13: from Old French devis purpose, contrivance and devise difference, intention, from deviser to divide, control; see devise