to merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.) because of actions, qualities, or situation: to deserve exile; to deserve charity; a theory that deserves consideration.
verb (used without object),de·served,de·serv·ing.
to be worthy of, qualified for, or have a claim to reward, punishment, recompense, etc.: to reward him as he deserves; an idea deserving of study.
Origin of deserve
1250–1300; Middle English deserven<Anglo-French, Old French deservir,Latin dēservīre to devote oneself to the service of, equivalent to dē-de- + servīre to serve
1 rate, warrant, justify.
de·serv·er,nounpre·de·serve,verb (used with object),pre·de·served,pre·de·serv·ing.
Words nearby deserve
desert pea, desert rat, desert rock, desert soil, desert varnish, deserve, deserved, deservedly, deserving, desex, desexualize
As we have done since April, our office will continue to work tirelessly and without distraction to provide the answers that the Prude family and Rochester community deserve.
Officials Worked To Deliberately Delay Release Of Daniel Prude Body Cam Footage|mharris|September 17, 2020|
How much crap you endure should not be indicative of the love that you deserve.
Get Gabrielle Union’s Best Career Advice|Joshua Eferighe|September 16, 2020|Ozy
You may nominate as many organizations or individuals as you feel deserve the recognition.
Nominations now open: Search Engine Land Award for Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Search Marketing|Henry Powderly|September 11, 2020|Search Engine Land
Being ushered out an entire round sooner — in a five-game gentleman’s sweep, and as the favorite — deserves far greater scrutiny.
The Bucks Played It Safe And Made The Wrong Kind Of History|Chris Herring (|September 9, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
While I may not have the money to attend fundraising dinners with the Democratic Party’s leaders, I deserve a party—and an economy—that returns as much benefit to me as I provide to it.
Why the Democratic Party must make a clean break with Wall Street|matthewheimer|September 8, 2020|Fortune
Tavakoli and the scores of other activists, bloggers, journalists and lawyers jailed in Iran deserve our unwavering support.
Behind Bars for the Holidays: 11 Political Prisoners We Want to See Free In 2015|Movements.Org|December 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They deserve every penny and more: booking a four week tour is a huge job.
How Much Money Does a Band Really Make on Tour?|Jack Conte|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In no way, he said, did Brown deserve to die for what began as petty theft.
A Black Cop’s Tough Words for Mike Brown|Mary M. Chapman|December 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They were advised to “try showing a little class” and “[d]ress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”
Let’s Not Forget: We Were All Teenagers Once|Russell Saunders|December 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
All of these people, and millions more like them, deserve a little overtime.
It’s Always Black Friday for Clerks|Michael Tomasky|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
May we all reach that union; may we deserve it; may we inhabit it for ever and ever.
The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick|Various
Nations and men are only the best when they are the gladdest, and deserve heaven when they enjoy it.
Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources|James Wood
He tells me to say he does not wish to attack and shoot you all down, though you deserve it.
The Kopje Garrison|George Manville Fenn
“You deserve them all,” exclaimed the Monarch, in the warmth of his emotion.
The Seven Champions of Christendom|W. H. G. Kingston
He never recommended his sons to the people, without adding these words, "If they deserve it."
The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Complete|C. Suetonius Tranquillus