to place for safekeeping or in trust, especially in a bank account: He deposited his paycheck every Friday.
to give as security or in part payment.
to deliver and leave (an item): Please deposit your returned books with the librarian.
to insert (a coin) in a coin-operated device: Deposit a quarter and push the button.
to put, place, or set down, especially carefully or exactly: She deposited the baby in the crib.
to lay or throw down by a natural process; precipitate: The river deposited soil at its mouth.
verb (used without object)
to be placed, inserted, precipitated, left for safekeeping, given as security or in partial payment, etc.
money placed in a bank account or an instance of placing money in a bank account.
anything given as security or in part payment: The boy returned the bottle and got his five-cent deposit back. They made a deposit on the house and signed a ten-year mortgage.
anything laid away or entrusted to another for safekeeping: A large deposit of jewels was stolen from the hotel safe.
a place for safekeeping; depository.
something precipitated, delivered and left, or thrown down, as by a natural process: a deposit of soil.
the natural sediment of wine in a bottle.
a coating of metal deposited on something, usually by an electric current.
a natural accumulation or occurrence, especially of oil or ore: a mountain range with many rich deposits of gold.
Origin of deposit
1615–25; <Latin dēpositus laid down, past participle of dēpōnere;see depone
An accumulation or layer of solid material, either consolidated or unconsolidated, left or laid down by a natural process. Deposits include sediments left by water, wind, ice, gravity, volcanic activity, or other agents. A layer of coal formed over many years through the decomposition of plant material is also a deposit.