释义 |
Example sentences from the Web for deodorizerThe nose is a filter and deodorizer, in passing through which the air is cleansed and sent pure into the lungs. Humorous Hits and How to Hold an Audience|Grenville Kleiser It is a deodorizer, all disagreeable smells leaving the skin to which it is applied; and above all it is not a poison. Manual of Taxidermy|Charles Johnson Maynard Bits of charcoal in the water are helpful if a deodorizer or disinfectant is needed. Cornell Nature-Study Leaflets|Various My father was a deodorizer of dead dogs, my mother kept the only shop for the sale of cats'-meat in my native city. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8|Ambrose Bierce
Words related to deodorizerrefinery, refiner, cleanser, cosmetic, disinfectant, cleaner, detergent, filter, wash, fumigator, antiperspirant, fumigant, clarifier, sanitizer, smoke screen, air freshener SEE SYNONYMS FOR deodorizer ON THESAURUS.COM
n.A substance that masks or neutralizes odors. Words nearby deodorizerdeoch-an-doruis, deodand, deodar, deodorant, deodorize, deodorizer, Deo gratias, deontic, deontological, deontological ethics, deontology The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |