释义 |
[ den-tuh-ree ] / ˈdɛn tə ri /
noun, plural den·ta·ries.Zoology.one of a pair of membrane bones that in lower vertebrates form the distal part of the lower jaws and in mammals comprise the mandible. Origin of dentary1820–30; <Latin dentārius of the teeth, equivalent to dent- (stem of dēns) tooth + -ārius-ary Words nearby dentarydental ridge, dental sac, dental surgeon, dental syringe, dental technician, dentary, dentate, dentate gyrus, dentate nucleus of cerebellum, dentate suture, dentation Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for dentaryThe splenial also curves medially, and as stated, meets the dentary in a straight suture. A New Genus of Pennsylvania Fish (Crossoperygii, Coelacanthiformes) from Kansas|Joan Echols In the surangular part, immediately posterior to the end of the dentary, is the large surangular foramen. A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family Colubridae, from Middle America)|John Wellman Ventrally, the posterior part of the dentary underlies the splenial, which is set in a median trench within the dentary. A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family Colubridae, from Middle America)|John Wellman The 10 palatine teeth are almost uniform in size; the dentary bears 19 teeth that decrease in size posteriorly. Systematic Status of the Colubrid Snake, Leptodeira discolor Gunther|William E. Duellman