the state or quality of being dense; compactness; closely set or crowded condition.
stupidity; slow-wittedness; obtuseness.
the number of inhabitants, dwellings, or the like, per unit area: The commissioner noted that the population density of certain city blocks had fallen dramatically.
Physics. mass per unit volume.
the quantity of electricity per unit of volume at a point in space, or the quantity per unit of area at a point on a surface.
current density.
the degree of opacity of a substance, medium, etc., that transmits light.
Photography. the relative degree of opacity of an area of a negative or transparency, often expressed logarithmically.
Computers. a measure of the compactness of data saved on a storage medium, as disk or tape, or displayed on an electronic screen.
Origin of density
1595–1605; <Latin dēnsitās, equivalent to dēns(us) dense + -itās-ity
Words nearby density
dense, densify, densimeter, dens in dente, densitometer, density, density function, dent, dental, dental abscess, dental anatomy
The employment picture improves somewhat, though a smaller density of the population would be working.
An only-red-states America probably isn’t one Trump would actually like|Philip Bump|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
For Reed Hastings, talent density is the key first step to being able to let go of traditional rule structures.
What if Your Company Had No Rules? (Bonus Episode)|Maria Konnikova|September 12, 2020|Freakonomics
That spells opportunity for Airbnb, which features plenty of unique, rural home rentals on its platform—particularly in markets that don’t have enough density to be served by large hotels.
Airbnb CEO: The pandemic will force us to see more of the world, not less|Verne Kopytoff|September 7, 2020|Fortune
Reliance on transit rather than cars bolsters the city’s economic vibrancy by increasing density and, in turn, labor and capital productivity.
New York City transit needs a $12 billion bailout—or the entire U.S. economic recovery may suffer|dzanemorris|September 3, 2020|Fortune
Looming humans, bright lights and higher density tanks may have shifted the behavior of a species that spends most of its time alone and under the radar.
Flamboyant cuttlefish save their bright patterns for flirting, fighting and fleeing|Helen Thompson|September 1, 2020|Science News
But he's immersing himself, creating the density of felt detail from which fine performances emerge.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Fade to Black: The Great Director’s Final Days|David Freeman|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Two bubbles less than a millimeter apart might have radically different temperature, density, and other important properties.
The Big Buzz in Space News Is Something Called “Inflation.” What Exactly Is It?|Matthew R. Francis|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Gurnett knew that he could use the vibrations in the plasma to determine its density.
Voyager Is Sending Us the Sounds of Interstellar Space|Josh Dzieza|September 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
When the frequency goes up, it means the density of the plasma is increasing.
Voyager Is Sending Us the Sounds of Interstellar Space|Josh Dzieza|September 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The critical reason for this is likely to be missed by those who worship at the altar of density and contemporary planning dogma.
Houston Rising—Why the Next Great American Cities Aren’t What You Think|Joel Kotkin|April 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
A thousand tongues of fire shoot up into the density, and immediately disappear.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland|Various
From the density of its foliage, it makes a good shade and shelter tree.
Wayside and Woodland Trees|Edward Step
It is harder than silver, and of about double its density, being of specific gravity 21.
A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines|Andrew Ure
Moreover, as the string is increased in density, its wave-length is shortened.
Inventors at Work|George Iles
The voice of the chemist came with startling cheerfulness out of the density.
The Napoleon of Notting Hill|Gilbert K. Chesterton
British Dictionary definitions for density
/ (ˈdɛnsɪtɪ) /
the degree to which something is filled, crowded, or occupiedhigh density of building in towns
obtuseness; stupidity
a measure of the compactness of a substance, expressed as its mass per unit volume. It is measured in kilograms per cubic metre or pounds per cubic footSymbol: ρ See also relative density
a measure of a physical quantity per unit of length, area, or volumeSee charge density, current density
physicsphotog See transmission density, reflection density
A measure of the quantity of some physical property (usually mass) per unit length, area, or volume (usually volume).♦ Mass density is a measure of the mass of a substance per unit volume. Most substances (especially gases such as air) increase in density as their pressure is increases or as their temperature decreases.♦ Energy density is a measure of the amount of energy (often in the form of electromagnetic radiation) per unit volume in a region of space or some material. See also Boyle's law.