[ dih-mol -ish ] SHOW IPA
verb (used with object) to destroy or ruin (a building or other structure), especially on purpose; tear down; raze.
to put an end to; destroy; explode: The results of his research demolished many theories.
to lay waste to; ruin utterly: The fire demolished the area.
Informal . to devour completely: We simply demolished that turkey.
Origin of demolish 1560–70; <Middle French démoliss-, stem of démolir <Latin dēmōlīrī to destroy, equivalent to dē- de- + mōlīrī to set in motion, struggle (mōl (ēs ) mass, bulk + -īrī infinitive suffix)
SYNONYMS FOR demolish 1 level, wreck, bulldoze.
synonym study for demolish 1 . See destroy.
OTHER WORDS FROM demolish de·mol·ish·er, noun de·mol·ish·ment, noun half-de·mol·ished, adjective un·de·mol·ished, adjective Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for demolish The libertarians know Goldwater got demolish ed in 1964, right?
This Republican Loved Taxes & Modern Art | Scott Porch| November 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The majority of the slabs that constituted the wall were demolish ed and used for highway gravel.
What Happened to the Berlin Wall? | James Kirchick| November 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
One shell blast in the middle of the courtyard has demolish ed the grey brick cobblestones.
Inside the Gaza Schoolyard Massacre | Jesse Rosenfeld| July 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They dug, demolish ed, and dismantled The Cathedral brick by brick, looking for the leftovers of Escobar's fortune.
Pablo Escobar’s Private Prison Is Now Run by Monks for Senior Citizens | Jeff Campagna| June 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Half of the second story has been demolish ed and replaced by a small memorial building in the shape of a cross.
Pablo Escobar’s Private Prison Is Now Run by Monks for Senior Citizens | Jeff Campagna| June 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In the same month a pond at Vauxdmes (Cte-d'Or) was demolish ed, and all the fish in it killed.
Thunder and Lightning | Camille Flammarion
From which I infer it would be highly satisfactory to the young man to be demolish ed at the enemy's earliest convenience.
The Citizen-Soldier | John Beatty
The Sun-tap demolish ed, this was to be expected, and by the same token, radio communication should now be practical.
The Secret of the Ninth Planet | Donald Allen Wollheim
If one demolish ed an unsound doctrine, it was preached up again by the other.
Amenities of Literature | Isaac Disraeli
Notwithstanding all remonstrances, this furnace must be demolish ed, and a huddey of horse sent down to see it done.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume IX. | Robert Kerr
British Dictionary definitions for demolish verb (tr) to tear down or break up (buildings, etc)
to destroy; put an end to (an argument, etc)
facetious to eat up she demolished the whole cake!
Derived forms of demolish demolisher , noun demolishment , noun Word Origin for demolish C16: from French démolir, from Latin dēmōlīrī to throw down, destroy, from de- + mōlīrī to strive, toil, construct, from mōles mass, bulk
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to demolish smash, trash, devastate, annihilate, wreck, ruin, obliterate, dismantle, pulverize, crush, decimate, flatten, overturn, bulldoze, raze, dilapidate, wrack, level, crack, overthrow