单词 | demerara |
释义 | demerara[ dem-uh-rahr-uh, -rair-uh ] / ˌdɛm əˈrɑr ə, -ˈrɛər ə / noun (often initial capital letter)a light brown raw sugar grown in Guyana and used especially in the country's rum-making industry. Origin of demeraraafter the Demerara River OTHER WORDS FROM demeraradem·e·ra·ran, adjectiveWords nearby demeraradémenti, dementia, dementia praecox, dementia pugilistica, demento, demerara, demerge, demerger, demerit, Demerol, demersal Definition for demerara (2 of 2)Demerara [ dem-uh-rahr-uh, -rair-uh ] / ˌdɛm əˈrɑr ə, -ˈrɛər ə / nouna river in E Guyana flowing S to N and emptying into the Atlantic Ocean at Georgetown. 215 miles (346 km) long. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for demeraraBritish Dictionary definitions for demerara (1 of 2)demerara / (ˌdɛməˈrɛərə, -ˈrɑːrə) / nounbrown crystallized cane sugar from the Caribbean and nearby countries a highly flavoured rum used mainly for blending purposes Word Origin for demeraraC19: named after Demerara, a region of Guyana British Dictionary definitions for demerara (2 of 2)Demerara / (ˌdɛməˈrɛərə, -ˈrɑːrə) / nounthe Demerara a river in Guyana, rising in the central forest area and flowing north to the Atlantic at Georgetown. Length: 346 km (215 miles) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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