fine in texture, quality, construction, etc.: a delicate lace collar.
fragile; easily damaged; frail: delicate porcelain; a delicate child.
so fine as to be scarcely perceptible; subtle: a delicate flavor.
soft or faint, as color: a delicate shade of pink.
fine or precise in action or execution; capable of responding to the slightest influence: a delicate instrument.
requiring great care, caution, or tact: a delicate international situation.
distinguishing subtle differences: a delicate eye; a delicate sense of smell.
exquisite or refined in perception or feeling; sensitive.
regardful of what is becoming, proper, etc.: a delicate sense of propriety.
mindful of or sensitive to the feelings of others: a delicate refusal.
dainty or choice, as food: delicate tidbits.
primly fastidious; squeamish: not a movie for the delicate viewer.
Obsolete. sensuous; voluptuous.
Archaic. a choice food; delicacy.
Obsolete. a source of pleasure; luxury.
Origin of delicate
1325–75; Middle English delicat<Latin dēlicātus delightful, dainty; akin to delicious
2 tender, slight, weak.
5 exact, accurate.
6 critical, precarious.
7 discriminating, careful.
1, 2 coarse.
3 hard, crude.
synonym study for delicate
1. Delicate,dainty,exquisite imply beauty such as belongs to rich surroundings or which needs careful treatment. Delicate, used of an object, suggests fragility, small size, and often very fine workmanship: a delicate piece of carving.Dainty, in concrete references, suggests a smallness, gracefulness, and beauty that forbid rough handling: a dainty handkerchief; of persons, it refers to fastidious sensibilities: dainty in eating habits.Exquisite suggests an outstanding beauty and elegance, or a discriminating sensitivity and ability to perceive fine distinctions: an exquisite sense of humor.
Our last option is made entirely of aluminum, inside and out, so it’s a great choice if you don’t want the pressure of taking care of delicate glass.
Best oil sprayers and misters for home chefs|PopSci Commerce Team|September 11, 2020|Popular Science
Seeking something that was “fresh yet delicate,” according to Gjerde, they landed on a cuvée comprised of 48% Chardonnay, 40% Pinot Noir, and 12% Pinot Meunier.
Luxury hotels are wooing guests with exclusive wines and spirits|Rachel King|September 5, 2020|Fortune
In the podcast, I think iO walks a delicate line between journalism and inserting himself into the story, and he does it incredibly well!
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It takes very little energy to break up pairs of electrons in a superconductor, and these pairs break up into free electrons, potentially leading to energy exchanges that can destroy the superconductor’s delicate state.
Cosmic rays could pose a problem for future quantum computers|Neel Patel|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Such a delicate structure could have formed only through an equally delicate, gentle process.
These Images Expose the Dark Side of the Solar System - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Corey S. Powell|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
The cheery 69-year-old father of eight sits in the center with his wife and delicately brandishes a small, brown book.
The Congo's Forgotten Colonial Getaway|Nina Strochlic|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
PANKISI GORGE, Georgia—The mother of martyrs, a woman in her fifties, is delicately beautiful and visibly in pain.
The Secret Life of an ISIS Warlord|Will Cathcart, Vazha Tavberidze, Nino Burchuladze|October 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This deft, delicately wrought story is Murakami at his best.