There was little deliberation on imposing this blacklist of China’s most important technology company, very little consultation with the industry that sells a lot of goods to Huawei.
The U.S. has nailed Chinese companies this year. Why hasn’t Beijing retaliated?|Veta Chan|September 17, 2020|Fortune
Its leaders also sat in on a lobbying group’s deliberations about attack ads against Brown during her 2018 bid for reelection.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Calls for Audit After Our Reporting on a State Institute That Lobbied for the Timber Industry|by Tony Schick, OPB, and Rob Davis, The Oregonian/OregonLive|September 2, 2020|ProPublica
Ahead of the upcoming deliberation, Jesse Marx revisits the timeline of events to show how the city’s smart streetlights went from an energy-saving program that captured data on the environment and transportation to a tool of law enforcement.
Morning Report: How We Got Here With Smart Streetlights|Voice of San Diego|July 10, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Kyra Greene, executive director for the Center on Policy Initiatives, which sponsors the Community Budget Alliance, said reallocating police spending has been part of internal deliberations prior to its first appearance as a budget priority.
Despite Recent Budget Vote, Reformers See SDPD Cuts as Inevitable|Andrew Keatts|June 23, 2020|Voice of San Diego
On Nov. 13, after years of deliberation, an advisory panel finally recommended lifting the ban, sort of.
The Outrageous Celibacy Requirement for Gay Blood Donors|Jay Michaelson|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After 90 minutes of deliberation, the jury found that the evidence was insufficient and acquitted Lizzie.
Would You Stay in Lizzie Borden’s Ax-Murder House?|Nina Strochlic|October 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His sexual life, just like his barbarism, was the result of deliberation, not appetites run amok.
Nothing Was Banal About Eichmann’s Evil, Says a Scathing New Biography|Michael Signer|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Not many doctors are likely to reach for the pocketbook on that scale without quite a bit of deliberation.
The New Face of American Medicine: Liberal Women|Dale Eisinger|June 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He speaks in heavily-accented English, but fluidly and lyrically, with both force and deliberation.
The Politics of Literature: An interview with Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa|Michael Moynihan|October 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Here, then, is the position of Mr. Lincoln set forth with deliberation and care.
History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2)|George Washington Williams
Jake smiled quaintly as he fingered the coin with deliberation.
Tales of Northumbria|Howard Pease
Arthur Van Dusen when he acted, moved with deliberation as well as speed.
When the Cock Crows|Waldron Baily
It meant a flutter of raiment, a deliberation of readjustment, a kind of superb, massive dislocation.
The Adventures of a Widow|Edgar Fawcett
The food must be thoroughly cooked, eaten slowly, and masticated with care and deliberation.
The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4)|W. Grant Hague
British Dictionary definitions for deliberation
/ (dɪˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən) /
thoughtful, careful, or lengthy consideration
(often plural)formal discussion and debate, as of a committee, jury, etc
care, thoughtfulness, or absence of hurry, esp in movement or speech