单词 | deliberate |
释义 | deliberate[ adjective dih-lib-er-it; verb dih-lib-uh-reyt ] / adjective dɪˈlɪb ər ɪt; verb dɪˈlɪb əˌreɪt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR deliberate ON THESAURUS.COM adjectivecarefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie. characterized by deliberation or cautious consideration; careful or slow in deciding: Moving away from the city and all its advantages required a deliberate decision. leisurely and steady in movement or action; slow and even; unhurried: moving with a deliberate step. verb (used with object), de·lib·er·at·ed, de·lib·er·at·ing.to weigh in the mind; consider: to deliberate a question. verb (used without object), de·lib·er·at·ed, de·lib·er·at·ing.to think carefully or attentively; reflect: She deliberated for a long time before giving her decision. to consult or confer formally: The jury deliberated for three hours. Origin of deliberateFirst recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Latin dēlīberātus (past participle of dēlīberāre “to consider”), equivalent to dē- “from, away from” + līber(āre) “to balance, weigh” (derivative of lībra “balance, scales”) + -ātus past participle suffix; see de-, -ate1 SYNONYMS FOR deliberate1 conscious, purposive; willful. 2 methodical, thoughtful, circumspect, cautious. 4 ponder. 5 cogitate, ruminate. SEE SYNONYMS FOR deliberate ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR deliberate1 accidental. 2 impulsive, precipitate, rash. SEE ANTONYMS FOR deliberate ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for deliberate1. Deliberate, intentional, premeditated, voluntary refer to something not happening by chance. Deliberate is applied to what is done not hastily but with full realization of what one is doing: a deliberate attempt to evade justice. Intentional is applied to what is definitely intended or done on purpose: an intentional omission. Premeditated is applied to what has been planned in advance: a premeditated crime. Voluntary is applied to what is done by a definite exercise of the will and not because of outward pressures: a voluntary enlistment. 3. See slow. OTHER WORDS FROM deliberateDictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for deliberateBritish Dictionary definitions for deliberatedeliberate adjective (dɪˈlɪbərɪt)carefully thought out in advance; planned; studied; intentionala deliberate insult careful or unhurried in speech or actiona deliberate pace verb (dɪˈlɪbəˌreɪt)to consider (something) deeply; ponder; think over Derived forms of deliberatedeliberately, adverbdeliberateness, noundeliberator, nounWord Origin for deliberateC15: from Latin dēlīberāre to consider well, from lībrāre to weigh, from lībra scales Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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