[ def -uh -sit; British also dih-fis -it ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈdɛf ə sɪt; British also dɪˈfɪs ɪt / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required amount.
the amount by which expenditures or liabilities exceed income or assets.
a lack or shortage; deficiency.
a disadvantage, impairment, or handicap: The team's major deficit is its poor pitching.
a loss, as in the operation of a business.
Origin of deficit 1775–85; <Latin dēficit (it) lacks, 3rd person singular present indicative of dēficere; see deficient
OTHER WORDS FROM deficit su·per·def·i·cit, noun Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for deficit This is not to say that we should never worry about deficit s.
The Battle of the Deficit Bulge Has Been Won | Daniel Gross| October 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The type of folks who care deeply about the poor, but also about deficit s and debt.
Congress Can Become Civil and Productive if Moderate Voters Demand It | Joshua DuBois| October 28, 2013| DAILY BEAST
And dozens of states, many of which cut jobs to close their annual deficit s, are now reporting surpluses.
A Few Good Bits in a Pretty Bad Jobs Report | Daniel Gross| October 22, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Republicans want smaller government when deficit s are high and when deficit s are low.
Republicans Don’t Really Care About Reducing America’s Debt | Peter Beinart| October 21, 2013| DAILY BEAST
As deficit s decline at the federal and state level, the era of austerity in the U.S. may be ending.
Print Textbooks Still Dominate Campus Textbook Market | Ashley Mungiguerra| August 6, 2013| DAILY BEAST
In 1876, however, the long series of surpluses ceased, and they have since been replaced by deficit s almost as continuous.
A Visit to Java | W. Basil Worsfold
For some years he regularly paid the deficit s in the accounts of the Alliance, amounting to several thousand pounds a year.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 5 | Various
Indeed, the New Zealand Treasury may be said to have been cradled in deficit s.
The Long White Cloud | William Pember Reeves
The total of the surplus amounted to about 12½ millions sterling; the deficit s exceeded 75½ millions of pounds.
The Earl of Mayo | William Wilson Hunter
The business was carried on by Hessians who worked both ends against the middle, and let the estate foot the deficit s.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 11 (of 14) | Elbert Hubbard
British Dictionary definitions for deficit noun the amount by which an actual sum is lower than that expected or required
an excess of liabilities over assets an excess of expenditures over revenues during a certain period an excess of payments over receipts on the balance of payments Word Origin for deficit C18: from Latin, literally: there is lacking, from dēficere to be lacking
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to deficit loss, shortfall, scantiness, default, lack, inadequacy, paucity, deficiency, insufficiency, shortcoming, arrears, dues, defalcation, in the red, underage, dead horse, due bill, in the hole, red ink
Cultural definitions for deficit A shortage, especially the amount by which a sum of money falls short of what is required; a debt.
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Medical definitions for deficit n. A lack or deficiency of a substance.
A lack or impairment in mental or physical functioning.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.