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[ dek-uh-rey-shuhn ] / ˌdɛk əˈreɪ ʃən / SEE SYNONYMS FOR decoration ON THESAURUS.COM
nounsomething used for decorating; adornment; embellishment: The gymnasium was adorned with posters and crepe-paper decorations for the dance. the act of decorating. interior decoration. a badge, medal, etc., conferred and worn as a mark of honor: a decoration for bravery. Origin of decoration1575–85; <Late Latin decorātiōn- (stem of decorātiō) an ornament. See decorate, -ion OTHER WORDS FROM decorationnon·dec·o·ra·tion, nouno·ver·dec·o·ra·tion, nounre·dec·o·ra·tion, nounsu·per·dec·o·ra·tion, nounWords nearby decorationdécor, decorate, decorated, decorated shed, Decorated style, decoration, decorative, decorative art, decorator, decorous, decorticate Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for decorationEssentially the state is hoping that current uniforms and stadium decorations will be retired in the coming years. Hundreds Of Schools Are Still Using Native Americans As Team Mascots|Hope Allchin|October 12, 2020|FiveThirtyEight Participants are encouraged to use their creativity to display their pride with lively banners, flags, costumes, and decorations! Out Brigade D.C. Pride ‘Parade’ set for Oct. 10|Lou Chibbaro Jr.|October 8, 2020|Washington Blade This cotton rope woven hamper can double as pure home decoration. Attractive laundry hampers that make your dirty clothes look a little better|PopSci Commerce Team|September 16, 2020|Popular Science By contrast, the foxes, snakes, and scorpions of Göbekli Tepe are reduced to smaller attributes or decorations on those huge anthropomorphic pillars. An Ancient Site with Human Skulls on Display - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Jo Marchant|September 2, 2020|Nautilus
Their uniform was comprised of a specific color, form, and had specific decorations that showcased their master’s coat of arms or initials. Uniforms in Jobs: A Short History of Workwear|Guest Post|May 28, 2020|Realm of History "I was searching for something suburban—some low form of decoration that could be transformed," she said. Kim Gordon: Going Solo After Sonic Youth, and Why She Identifies With ‘Girls’|Andrew Romano|April 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST But they were once used for so much more than just decoration. Jodhpur Is an Oasis in the Middle of the Mad Rush of India|William O’Connor|March 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST In 2005, Congress passed the Stolen Valor Act, a law making it illegal to lie about receiving a military medal or decoration. Seven Things the Do-Nothing Congress Did|Ben Jacobs|December 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST I have all the paintings and any decoration taken out of the room. Maya Angelou: How I Write|Noah Charney|April 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST Memorial Day began as Decoration Day, honoring and mourning the soldiers who died in the American Civil War. Ten Years In, Remembering Our Wars|Roy Scranton|May 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST It is the most beautiful pulpit in all Italy, splendid alike in its decoration and its construction. Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa|Edward Hutton The little bits left from the decoration are chopped and used in the salpicon or in a sauce. The Century Cook Book|Mary Ronald Still more surprising is the elegance and completeness of the decoration. A history of art in ancient Egypt, Vol. I (of 2)|Georges Perrot To this diversity of lines we must add the diversity of decoration. The Spell of the Heart of France|Andr Hallays The green family in its finest form is undoubtedly a Kang-he production, but all of the decoration was not in green. Chats on Oriental China|J. F. Blacker
British Dictionary definitions for decoration
nounan addition that renders something more attractive or ornate; adornment the act, process, or art of decorating a medal, badge, etc, conferred as a mark of honour Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to decorationornament, color, wreath, trinket, finery, design, ribbon, plaque, badge, flounce, adornment, spangle, frill, enhancement, improvement, elaboration, designing, illumination, garnish, flourish |