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[ rok-ribd ] / ˈrɒkˌrɪbd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR rock-ribbed ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivehaving ribs or ridges of rock: the rock-ribbed coast of Maine. unyielding; confirmed and uncompromising: a rock-ribbed conservative. Origin of rock-ribbedFirst recorded in 1770–80 Words nearby rock-ribbedrock oil, rockoon, rock pigeon, rock plant, rock rabbit, rock-ribbed, rockrose, rockrose family, rock salmon, rock salt, rockshaft Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for rock-ribbedAfter all, Kansas is as rock-ribbed a Republican state as they come. Kansas Republicans Pat Roberts and Sam Brownback Lifted by Rising Tide|Ben Jacobs|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST I am shocked at how many New Yorkers I had thought to be rock-ribbed Democrats are attending Romney fundraisers. The Benefits of Business Experience|Megan McArdle|October 1, 2012|DAILY BEAST The argument that it is unnatural for woman to vote is as old as the rock-ribbed and ancient hills. The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV|Various The road-bed is literally 'rock-ribbed,' if not 'eternal as the sun.' Scenic Mount Lowe and Its Wonderful Railway|George Wharton James
The cave was a natural grotto, rock-ribbed, and as firm as the everlasting foundations of the mountains themselves. The Boy Scouts in the Blue Ridge|Herbert Carter This produced the rock-ribbed foundations of the earth and solidified it into a vast magnet of marvelous force and power. The Universe a Vast Electric Organism|George Woodward Warder Old Ironsides could have been called Stone Mountain as appropriately as its neighbor, for truly it was rock-ribbed. The Young Wireless Operator--As a Fire Patrol|Lewis E. Theiss
Words related to rock-ribbedjagged, craggy, rough, flinty, hard, inflexible, petrified, solid, bouldered, lapidarian, lithic, pebbly, petrous, rockbound, stonelike |