[ dek-luh -rey -shuh n ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌdɛk ləˈreɪ ʃən / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the act of declaring; announcement: a declaration of a dividend.
a positive, explicit, or formal statement; proclamation: a declaration of war.
something that is announced, avowed, or proclaimed.
a document embodying or displaying an announcement or proclamation: He posted the declaration in a public place.
Law . a formal statement presenting the plaintiff's claim in an action. a complaint. a statement, especially by a witness. a statement made to an official. Cards . Bridge . a bid, especially the successful bid. the statement during the game of the points earned by a player, in bezique or other games. a statement of goods, income, etc., especially for the assessment of duty, tax, or the like.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of declaration 1300–50; Middle English declaracioun (<Anglo-French ) <Latin dēclārātiōn- (stem of dēclārātiō ) explanation, equivalent to dēclārāt (us ) (past participle of dēclārāre to explain, declare; see -ate1 ) + -iōn- -ion
SYNONYMS FOR declaration 4 notice, bulletin; manifesto, edict.
OTHER WORDS FROM declaration coun·ter·dec·la·ra·tion, noun non·dec·la·ra·tion, noun pre·dec·la·ra·tion, noun re·dec·la·ra·tion, noun Words nearby declaration declaim, declamation, declamatory, declamping phenomenon, declarant, declaration , Declaration of Independence, declarative, declarative sentence, declarator, declaratory
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for declaration A declaration of candidacy signed by Cuomo was in the trunk of his car.
Mario Cuomo, a Frustrating Hero to Democrats, Is Dead at 82 | Eleanor Clift| January 2, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Thanks to that meddling Franklin and the other editors, Jefferson thought his Declaration had been “mangled.”
Forget the Resolutions; Try a Few Declarations | Kevin Bleyer| January 1, 2015| DAILY BEAST
The tone of the declaration is radically different from “A few sentences.”
How Havel Inspired the Velvet Revolution | Michael Zantovsky| December 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The declaration adopted by the meeting was a bold step, but it did not a revolution make.
How Havel Inspired the Velvet Revolution | Michael Zantovsky| December 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The declaration of war against ISIS, then, would seem to be a logical next step.
Rand Paul Declares War on ISIS—and Allows Boots on the Ground | Olivia Nuzzi| November 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He stood in front of his wife and woke Stella up in order to make his declaration .
The Second Fiddle | Phyllis Bottome
Bruno died last night at midnight, but his declaration has been obtained.
Friars and Filipinos | Jose Rizal
The Declaration , as might be expected where the Government could not avow its real motives, was a somewhat pitiful document.
A Short History of the Royal Navy 1217 to 1688 | David Hannay
I presume, gentlemen, that you do consider it as your business to take this declaration .
Caleb Williams | William Godwin
It has sometimes been objected to the Declaration , that it deals too much in abstractions.
Charles Sumner; his complete works, volume 7 (of 20) | Charles Sumner
British Dictionary definitions for declaration noun an explicit or emphatic statement
a formal statement or announcement; proclamation
the act of declaring
the ruling of a judge or court on a question of law, esp in the chancery division of the High Court
law an unsworn statement of a witness admissible in evidence under certain conditions See also statutory declaration
cricket the voluntary closure of an innings before all ten wickets have fallen
contract bridge the final contract
a statement or inventory of goods, etc, submitted for tax assessment a customs declaration
cards an announcement of points made after taking a trick, as in bezique
SEE MORE SEE LESS Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to declaration enunciation, saying, bomb, disclosure, communication, profession, pitch, spiel, announcement, story, acknowledgment, promulgation, revelation, admission, exposition, avowal, answer, presentation, notice, statement