释义 |
[ rohb-suhn ] / ˈroʊb sən /
nounPaul, 1898–1976, U.S. singer and actor. Words nearby RobesonRobertson, robertsonian translocation, Robertson screw, Robert's pelvis, Robert's Rules of Order, Robeson, Robeson, Paul, Robespierre, Robey, robin, Robin Goodfellow Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for RobesonIn the years that followed, Robeson would pay a terrible price for his commitment to our struggle. Harry Belafonte: Black Artists Must Do More|Harry Belafonte|September 2, 2012|DAILY BEAST Robeson entertained us by inspiring us as all great artists do. Harry Belafonte: Black Artists Must Do More|Harry Belafonte|September 2, 2012|DAILY BEAST “Mrs. Robeson—and Miss Redding—you are challenged,” he announced. The Indifference of Juliet|Grace S. Richmond Mr. Blaine and Mr. Robeson, supplemented by General Schenck, are great poker-players. The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912|Lillie DeHegermann-Lindencrone
Mr. Robeson is the most amiable of hosts, beams and laughs a great deal. The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912|Lillie DeHegermann-Lindencrone Observation of conditions off shore revealed the fact that Robeson Channel was practicable for navigation. The North Pole|Robert E. Peary I understand that Robeson will not accept them at my 55 hand, nor at yours. The Indifference of Juliet|Grace S. Richmond
British Dictionary definitions for Robeson
nounPaul . 1898–1976, US bass singer, actor, and leader in the Black civil rights movement Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |