Swollen rivers carried sediment downstream, depositing it along the way.
Soggy coastal soils? Here’s why ecologists love them|Alison Pearce Stevens|September 17, 2020|Science News For Students
All of us on the river accepted that our water would likely be boiling in our bottles and our beers would be sandy and warm—until someone showed up with this hauler, that is.
The Gear You Need to Bring on a 225-Mile River Trip|Mitch Breton|September 6, 2020|Outside Online
They include soil erosion on the river side — in some areas gaps up to three feet wide and waist deep, concrete cracking, construction flaws and what the firm concluded was likely substandard construction material below the fence’s foundation.
New Engineering Report Finds Privately Built Border Wall Will Fail|by Jeremy Schwartz and Perla Trevizo|September 2, 2020|ProPublica
Tracing a distinct U shape across northeast Ohio, the 100-mile-long river flows into Lake Erie 30 miles west of its headwaters.
51 Years Later, the Cuyahoga River Burns Again|Wes Siler|August 28, 2020|Outside Online
The university moved construction equipment into to build a stadium and start construction on the river park.
Morning Report: About Those Private Day Camps …|Voice of San Diego|August 18, 2020|Voice of San Diego
He observes the bodies floating away on the river, pulling on his cigarette with a sneer.
Houellebecq’s Incendiary Novel Imagines France With a Muslim President|Pierre Assouline|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But you know, I had only one other hero in my life acting and that was River [Phoenix].
Coffee Talk with Ethan Hawke: On ‘Boyhood,’ Jennifer Lawrence, and Bill Clinton’s Urinal Exchange|Marlow Stern|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Today, the train chugs north out of Kanchanaburi over the famous bridge before it hits a spectacular bend in the river.
Riding Thailand’s WWII Death Railway|Liza Foreman|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And then, on one recent morning, the train made a stop at a small station near an especially beautiful section of the river.
Riding Thailand’s WWII Death Railway|Liza Foreman|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Along the river, crumbling remnants of an active trading hub are overtaken by nature.
The Congo's Forgotten Colonial Getaway|Nina Strochlic|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
By the river some women, no larger in appearance than little dolls, were standing and washing.
A Russian Proprietor|Lyof N. Tolstoi
Crossing the river Lykus into the plain, Mithridates offered the Romans battle.
Plutarch's Lives, Volume II|Aubrey Stewart & George Long
They use these almadias for catching fish, and for transporting themselves up or down the river.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. II|Robert Kerr
To do him justice he was a well-built lad, and those who had seen him out on the river knew he could pull a good oar.
The Eight-Oared Victors|Lester Chadwick
Wagonloads of ripe Jersey tomatoes making their way to the soup factory are a jocund sight across the river just now.
Mince PieAuthor: Christopher Darlington MorleyRelease Date: October 10, 2004 [eBook #13694]|Christopher Darlington Morley
British Dictionary definitions for river
/ (ˈrɪvə) /
a large natural stream of fresh water flowing along a definite course, usually into the sea, being fed by tributary streams
(as modifier)river traffic; a river basin
(in combination)riverside; riverbed Related adjectives: fluvial, potamic
any abundant stream or flowa river of blood
sell down the riverinformalto deceive or betray
the riverpokerslangthe fifth and final community card to be dealt in a round of Texas hold 'em
Derived forms of river
riverless, adjective
Word Origin for river
C13: from Old French riviere, from Latin rīpārius of a river bank, from rīpa bank
A wide, natural stream of fresh water that flows into an ocean or other large body of water and is usually fed by smaller streams, called tributaries, that enter it along its course. A river and its tributaries form a drainage basin, or watershed, that collects the runoff throughout the region and channels it along with erosional sediments toward the river. The sediments are typically deposited most heavily along the river's lower course, forming floodplains along its banks and a delta at its mouth.