I know, as the pandemic trudges on, that dining out is risky, not just to myself, but to others, too.
People Are Dining Out, They Just Don’t Want Anyone to Know About It|Jaya Saxena|September 3, 2020|Eater
As the chart shows, day-trading offers the probability of the biggest negative return whereas the five- or ten-year horizon is far less risky on a relative basis.
Buffett’s big bet on Japan sends global stocks higher|Bernhard Warner|August 31, 2020|Fortune
So, he’s been exploring what kind of incentives will best lead drug companies to invest in the risky and costly business of vaccines.
Will a Covid-19 Vaccine Change the Future of Medical Research? (Ep. 430)|Stephen J. Dubner|August 27, 2020|Freakonomics
Instead of taking a risky 90-minute flight, I opted for the nine-hour drive.
Vehicles to ride out a pandemic|Joe Phillips|August 22, 2020|Washington Blade
The market environment that made the strategy profitable in the past — sparser and slower financial information, riskier economic policymaking and less efficient markets — was not coming back, she argued.
Hedge Fund ‘Pirates’ Set Sail Again|Daniel Malloy|August 21, 2020|Ozy
His section on why he and his wife split—he essentially chose soccer over her—would be risky if its candor were not so refreshing.
Tim Howard’s Wall of Intensity|William O’Connor|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Siding with Obama on anything, no matter how sensical, is a risky move for a would-be Republican presidential candidate.
The Rand-Rubio Catfight Over Cuba|Olivia Nuzzi|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This makes for an unusual, and risky, subject for a musical stage show – one with origins as a kind of citizen journalism project.
War Is About More Than Heroes, Martyrs, and Patriots|Nathan Bradley Bethea|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Opinion polls up until this week suggested that, while it may have been a risky strategy, he was ultimately right.
Anarchy for the U.K.? British Leaders Panicking Over Scottish Vote for Independence|Nico Hines|September 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So he decided to go for broke with the risky strategy that is playing out in the courtroom, and in public opinion.
Tough-Guy Pols Let Wives Take the Fall, Maureen McDonnell Edition|Eleanor Clift|August 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"Not exactly; that would be a little too risky," she replied.
The Silent Bullet|Arthur B. Reeve
There was something in this, for there were hundreds then, where there are now dozens, and it was risky.
Some Reminiscences of old Victoria|Edgar Fawcett
Clearly it was too risky to land and run across the fields; the dog would track the fugitives with the greatest ease.
A Lively Bit of the Front|Percy F. Westerman
It was a risky guess to make on such evidence as Calhoun considered he had, but no other guess was possible.
Pariah Planet|Murray Leinster
Lincoln took the full responsibility, as he often did when dealing with risky or unpopular 555measures.
The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln|Francis Fisher Browne