Call analytics platforms have been adding features in the past few years as more marketers rely on them to gather actionable insights from their growing call volumes.
Call analytics: How they can drive down costs and improve search conversions|The Content Studio @ Search Engine Land|August 26, 2020|Search Engine Land
Making it clear why and how certain communities were involved makes such decisions and relationships transparent, accountable, and actionable.
Participation-washing could be the next dangerous fad in machine learning|Amy Nordrum|August 25, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Read on for a recap featuring some of their actionable advice.
Watch: An expert panel offers advice on how to build antiracist companies|Heather Landy|August 14, 2020|Quartz
The company potentially had actionable claims under state law.
Genius not looking so smart after Google escapes liability for ‘misappropriating’ lyrics|Greg Sterling|August 11, 2020|Search Engine Land
If that’s the case, you can explore new ideas and actionable advice on innovation and market leadership by signing up at IdeaCast – HBR’s official podcasting channel.
Podcasts and internet marketing: Are you missing the boat?|Nasirabadi Reza|July 30, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Non-fiction books are great because they provide you with a lot of interesting and often actionable knowledge.
The Best Apps for Developing Sherlock Holmes-Like Reading Skills|Ari Meisel|March 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But the key word is actionable—I'm interested in questions you can act on, to possibly bring about change.
Warren Berger Tells How to Ask a ‘Beautiful Question’|Scott Goodson|March 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"It is going to be great, even if only 10 percent is actionable," the official said.
Day 2: Breaking News About Osama bin Laden's Death|The Daily Beast|May 3, 2011|DAILY BEAST
It is an actionable nuisance to cause pollution of the air entering a dwelling-house.