revisal, revise, Revised Standard Version, Revised Version, Revised Version of the Bible, revision, revisionary, revisionism, revisionist, revisit, revisory
These revisions come on top of revenue losses in FY2020, when the shuttering of businesses began.
COVID-19 has another long-term side effect: A shrinking tax base|cleaf2013|August 31, 2020|Fortune
That helped establish a model for revisions to an old piece of legislation, from 1948, that would eventually become known as the Clean Water Act.
51 Years Later, the Cuyahoga River Burns Again|Wes Siler|August 28, 2020|Outside Online
In the 1960s, after Paschini’s death, the church relented, authorizing publication — but only after revisions that bowdlerized the original version to portray the church in a more favorable light.
A new Galileo biography draws parallels to today’s science denialism|Tom Siegfried|August 11, 2020|Science News
We urge the city to slow down the approval process to allow for the sharing of any revisions and refinements made by city staff prior to seeking decision-makers’ approvals.
New Plan for City Parks Misses the Point|Deborah Sharpe, Howard Greenstein and Jeff Harkness|July 24, 2020|Voice of San Diego
If you’re having to track revisions and control permissions in other software, you’re wasting valuable time.
How SEO Friendly CMS can support your digital goals now and in future|Jim Yu|July 16, 2020|Search Engine Watch
At its most simplified, the revision allows big players more access to insured deposits while making certain types of bets.
How Naive is Elizabeth Warren?|Nick Gillespie|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Despite this revision, the Bosworth Field Visitor Center will remain in the village where it is, closer to the wrong site.
Three Dicks: Cheney, Nixon, Richard III and the Art of Reputation Rehab|Clive Irving|July 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But it's still really bad, and the best we're hoping for in a revision is "lackluster".
Walmart Customers Have Disappeared. Will They Take the Economy With Them?|Megan McArdle|February 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The Commerce Department raised the estimate for third-quarter growth in part because of a revision to business inventories.
Why Wall Street Is Projecting Slower Growth|Matthew Zeitlin|December 6, 2012|DAILY BEAST
That number was revised up 57,000, and then with a second revision, the final number was 104,000 jobs created.
Jobs Truthers Are Wrong: Unemployment Numbers Can’t Be Cooked|Matthew Zeitlin|October 5, 2012|DAILY BEAST
But the House, by a large majority, refused even to compel the Home Secretary to detain the convict ship pending its revision.
A Short History of English Liberalism|Walter Lyon Blease
This revision became the 'de facto' standard text for English speaking Catholics until the twentieth century.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims Version|Various
When it ended in crushing defeat, the United States exercised its rights of conquest to compel a revision of the treaty limits.
The Last American Frontier|Frederic L. (Frederic Logan) Paxson
His second work was the "Singing Master's Assistant," an abridgment and revision of his first.
The Standard Oratorios|George P. Upton
Fuller acquaintance may compel a revision of these original impressions.
Practical Ethics|William DeWitt Hyde
British Dictionary definitions for revision
/ (rɪˈvɪʒən) /
the act or process of revising
Britishthe process of rereading a subject or notes on it, esp in preparation for an examination
a corrected or new version of a book, article, etc