

单词 retry

Example sentences from the Web for retry

  • "The intervening loss of witnesses and evidence will likely make it impossible to retry," Scalia noted.

    Will L.A.’s Skid Row Stabber Get Sprung?|Christine Pelisek|September 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
  • Now, her defense team has assembled a sharp appeal that could retry the case from top to bottom.

    Amanda Knox's Second Chance|Barbie Latza Nadeau|November 18, 2010|DAILY BEAST
  • Martin has promised to retry the case, at a cost of further millions of dollars.

    Why Two Bush Appointees Are Refusing to Leave|Scott Horton|January 16, 2009|DAILY BEAST
  • The Board of Trade will not retry the question of what is the right minimum rate.

    Liberalism and the Social Problem|Winston Spencer Churchill


/ (riːˈtraɪ) /

verb -tries, -trying or -tried

(tr) to try again (a case already determined); give a new trial to

Words nearby retry

Retroviridae, retrovirus, retrude, retrusion, retrusive occlusion, retry, retsina, Rett's syndrome, retune, return, returnable
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