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[ krood ] / krud / SEE SYNONYMS FOR crude ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, crud·er, crud·est.in a raw or unprepared state; unrefined or natural: crude sugar. lacking in intellectual subtlety, perceptivity, etc.; rudimentary; undeveloped. lacking finish, polish, or completeness: a crude summary. lacking culture, refinement, tact, etc.: crude behavior. undisguised; blunt: a crude answer. Obsolete. unripe; not mature. Origin of crude1350–1400; Middle English <Latin crūdus uncooked, raw, bleeding, rough, akin to cruor blood from a wound; see raw SYNONYMS FOR crude1 unfinished, coarse. 4 uncouth, rough, rude, coarse, clumsy. SEE SYNONYMS FOR crude ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR crudeSEE ANTONYMS FOR crude ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for crude1. See raw. OTHER WORDS FROM crudecrudely, adverbcrudeness, nounun·crude, adjectiveun·crude·ly, adverb un·crude·ness, noun Words nearby crudeCrucis, cruciverbalist, cruck, crud, cruddy, crude, Cruden, crude oil, crudités, crudity, crudo Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for crudeOriginally conceived by author Clarence E. Mulford in 1904, Hopalong was crude, rough-talking, and dangerous. The Most Confusing Christmas Music Lyrics Explained (VIDEO)|Kevin Fallon|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST Those higher construction costs will mean higher costs for companies who want to use the pipeline to ship their crude to market. Why the Keystone XL Pipeline May Not Be Built|Robert Bryce|November 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST Three kids play cricket among the crude gravestones in a cemetery that is the largest in the province. Heart of Darkness: Into Afghanistan’s Taliban Valley|Matt Trevithick, Daniel Seckman|November 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST The condensate is then supposed to be routed into the pipeline system that delivers the crude to the nearby refinery. Oil Tankers Leaking into Seattle’s Water|Bill Conroy|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Yet she also conceded that there is some crude residue still inside the Tesoro rail-facility stormwater system. Oil Tankers Leaking into Seattle’s Water|Bill Conroy|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST The form of expression was so crude that once more Barbara was startled. The Dust Flower|Basil King Engines so crude that one could watch the flow of their fuel! The Black Star Passes|John W Campbell They are crude, uncultured creatures, but full of excellent points. The Inner Sisterhood|Douglass Sherley et al. He forms all kinds of crude and fantastic theories about these invisible forces. The Church and Modern Life|Washington Gladden Crude enough seem such devices to us to-day, yet we must remember that we are in close chronological touch with those very times. The Way to the West|Emerson Hough
British Dictionary definitions for crude
adjectivelacking taste, tact, or refinement; vulgara crude joke in a natural or unrefined state lacking care, knowledge, or skilla crude sketch (prenominal) stark; bluntthe crude facts (of statistical data) unclassified or unanalysed Derived forms of crudecrudely, adverbcrudity or crudeness, nounWord Origin for crudeC14: from Latin crūdus bloody, raw; related to Latin cruor blood Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to crudeboorish, indecent, rude, savage, cheap, obscene, raw, clumsy, coarse, lewd, crass, primitive, harsh, simple, rudimentary, makeshift, unprocessed, homemade, amateurish, gross |